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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1998 Nguyen Kim Dung, Truyen thong che tao do ngoc o Viêt Nam thoi tien su [ Nephrite and Jadeite manufacturing tradition in prehistoric Vietnam] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1998 #30758]
Journal Article 2017 Nguyen Kim Dung, The Sa Huynh culture in ancient regional trade networks: a comparative study of ornaments Terra Australis [Nguyen 2017 #27371]
Book Section 2003 Nguyen Kim Dung, Prehistoric techniques in the Ha Long culture on Cat Ba Island: J. G. Andersson's discoveries and recent research Fishbones and glittering emblems: Southeast Asian archaeology 2002 [Nguyen 2003 #24347]
Journal Article 1990 Nguyen Kim Dung, Phuong phap thuc nghiem va nghien cuu dau vet lao dong trong Khao co hoc (ung dung tren cac di vat da) [ Experimental and microwear analysis method in archaeology (applied on stone artyfacts)] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1990 #31042]
Journal Article 1998 Nguyen Kim Dung, Nghien cuu ky thuat co trong nhung nam gan day [ Study of ancient technique in recent years] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1998 #30765]
Journal Article 1994 Nguyen Kim Dung, Nghien cuu dau vet su dung tren cong cu hang Xom Trai [ The study of using traces on the stone tools of Xom Trai cave (Hoa Binh culture)] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1994 #30895]
Journal Article 1992 Nguyen Kim Dung, Nghe thu cong lam da va vi tri cua no trong kinh te san xuat thoi dai dong thau Viêt Nam [ Stone - making handicraft and its role in the economy in bronxe age of Vietnam ] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1992 #30975]
Journal Article 2008 Matsumura, Hirofumi Morphometric affinity of the late Neolithic human remains from Man Bac, Ninh Binh Province, Vietnam: key skeletons with which to debate the ‘two layer’ hypothesis Anthropological Science [Matsumura, 2008 #29503]
Journal Article 2001 Nguyen Kim Dung, Jewelery from late prehistoric sites recently excavated in South Viet Nam Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Nguyen 2001 #28114]
Journal Article 2008 Oxenham, Marc Health and the experience of childhood in late neolithic Viet Nam Asian Perspectives (2008) [Oxenham, 2008 #29228]
Journal Article 1987 Nguyen Kim Dung, Hai hinh thuc che tac vong trang suc o cong xuong Hong Da ( Vinh Phu ) [ Two modes of making stone rings as jewels at Hung Do workshop ( Vinh Phu )] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1987 #31105]
Book Section 2006 Nguyen Kim Dung, Excavations at Tra Kieu and Go Cam, Quang Nam Province, Central Viêt Nam Uncovering Southeast Asia's past: selected papers from the 10th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Nguyen 2006 #24051]
Journal Article 2002 Nishimura, Masanari Excavation of An Son: a neolithic mound site in the middle reach of the Vam Co Dong river, southern Vietnam Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Nishimura, 2002 #32665]
Journal Article 1995 Nguyen Kim Dung, Do trang su trong cac mo chum o Can Gio ( Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh ) [ Ornaments from jar burial sites in Can Gio district, Ho Chi Minh city] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1995 #30881]
Journal Article 1990 Nguyen Kim Dung, Di chi xuong Trang Kenh ( Hai Phong ) qua hai lan khai quat [ The lithic workshop site at Trang Kenh ] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1990 #31046]
Journal Article 2013 Hung, H.-C. Coastal connectivity: long term trading networks across the South China Sea Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology [Hung, 2013 #27813]
BAR Section 2008 Oxenham, Marc Childhood in late neolithic Vietnam: bio-mortuary insights into an ambiguous life stage. Babies reborn: infant/child burials in pre- and protohistory [Oxenham, 2008 #19664]
Journal Article 1994 Nguyen Kim Dung, Cac trung tam che tac da trong thoi dai dong thau Viêt Nam [ Centres of stone manufacturing in the Bronze Age of Vietnam] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1994 #30904]
Book Section in a Series 2011 Nguyen Kim Dung, Appendix 2: the Man Bac burial pottery: an illustrated corpus of the whole vessels from the burials in cultural unit III Man Bac: the excavation of a neolithic site in northern Vietnam [Nguyen 2011 #25414]
Book Section 1998 Nguyen Kim Dung, Ancient jade-manufacturing tradition in Vietnam East Asian jade: symbol of excellence [Nguyen 1998 #23505]