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Ref ID: 30881
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Nguyen Kim Dung,
Title: Do trang su trong cac mo chum o Can Gio ( Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh ) [ Ornaments from jar burial sites in Can Gio district, Ho Chi Minh city]
Date: 1995
Source: Khao Co Hoc
Language: Vietnamese
Notes: Diacriticals from original publication not included
Abstract: English summary on page 46 as follows: This paper deals witha rich collection of ornaments from two prehistoric jar burial sites Giong Phet and Giong Ca Vo in Can Gio district, Ho Cji Minh City. Over 400 burials were excavated there in 1993-1994 and dating from 2100 BP to 2450 B.P. More than 80% of collection were beads of various size: 883 made from bright red Carnelian, 404 made from jade or Nephrite, 125 Agate and 51 Garnet and 52 Crystal Stone. There were 744 glass beads and 638 beads made from shell. 82 gold ornaments including spherical beads tubes, rings and pierced square plates have been found. Two kinds of Sa Hyunh ornaments are 27 jade and glass bicephaleous pendants and 3 earrings with three projection especially one of them made from carnelian. Over 200 pottery earrings and abundant stone glass, shell bracelets were unearthed. The main evidence for trade with India, Thailand, Philippines...comes from huge numbers of Carnelian, Agate, Garnet, Crystal, Glass beads aw well as bronze, glass bracelets but there were also many evidences that showed that these sites might be local stone, glass, shell and even pottery ornament making one.
Date Created: 6/6/2004
Page Start: 27
Page End: 46