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Support the Bibliography!

Do you find the Southeast Asian Archaeological Bibliography useful? Support the Bibliography and ISEAA today!

Your donation of any size helps to develop and provide access to the Southeast Asian Archaeological Bibliography,  an ongoing project of the Institute for Southeast Asian Archaeology (ISEAA). The bibliography is maintained by a combination of paid and volunteer labor, including both professionals and students.

ISEAA has created and is maintaining numerous digital resources in addition to the Bibliography, including an online metals database, archaeological vocabulary lists in several Southeast Asian languages, and a database from the skeletal analyses at Ban Chiang and Non Nok Tha.  The development of digital resources is one aspect of ISEAA’s mission to advance the multidiciplinary study of Southeast Asia’s past for the benefit of both scholars and the public.

Where your donations go

Donations support the staffing for the bibliography

ISEAA is a program partner of the 501(c)(3), Urban Affairs Coalition, a non-profit public Philadelphia. All donations are tax deductible in the United States.