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Ref ID: 32665
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Nishimura, Masanari
Nguyen Kim Dung,
Title: Excavation of An Son: a neolithic mound site in the middle reach of the Vam Co Dong river, southern Vietnam
Date: 2002
Source: Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association
Notes: Proceedings of the 16th Congress of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, Melaka, Malaysia, 1 to 7 July 1998.
Abstract: The An Son site is located in the middle reach of the Vam Co Dong River in Long An Province, southern Vietnam. The site is a large mound, 170 m in maximum diameter and 6 m higher than the surrounding plain. Excavation in 1997 at the eastern edge of the mound revealed a 4 m depth of cultural deposit. Four major cultural phases were identified, all belonging to the second millennium BC. Typological classification shows no clear change in pottery shape or decoration from Cultural Period 1 to 4.
Date Created: 4/2/2003
Volume: 22
Page Start: 101
Page End: 109