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Ref ID: 31042
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Nguyen Kim Dung,
Title: Phuong phap thuc nghiem va nghien cuu dau vet lao dong trong Khao co hoc (ung dung tren cac di vat da) [ Experimental and microwear analysis method in archaeology (applied on stone artyfacts)]
Date: 1990
Source: Khao Co Hoc
Language: Vietnamese
Notes: Diacriticals from original publication not included
Abstract: English summary on page 37 as follows
In archaeological study, method of experiment and use-wear analysis is an efficient supplement to the method of typology. This method has been applied and developing since the 1950s by Soviet archaeologists and it is also called the Semenov method (after the name of Prof. S.A. Semenov, its creator). Its basic principle is that from archaeological artifacts, the researchers study the traces of manufacture and wear left on their surfaced by using microscope. From this, they combine it with the experimental method to define the functions of the tools. This is also a methos of studying ancient economy in archaeology. The paper not only introduses methods and its achievements in the Soviet union and western countries but also analyses in details the results of studies conducted by Vietnamese researchers in this direction.
Date Created: 5/28/2004
Number: 75
Page Start: 23
Page End: 37