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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 2019 Zakharov, Anton Was the early history of Campā really revised? A reassessment of the classical narratives of Linyi and the 6th-8th-century Campā kingdom Champa: Territories and Networks of a Southeast Asian Kingdom [Zakharov, 2019 #37146]
Book Section 2022 Southworth, William A. Champa The Oxford Handbook of Early Southeast Asia [Southworth, 2022 #37045]
Book Section in a Series 2020 Basak, Bishnupriya Understanding the Champa polity from archaeological and epigraphic evidence - a critical stocktaking EurASEAA14: papers from the Fourteenth International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists. Volume 1: ancient and living traditions [Basak, 2020 #36733]
Report 2013 Tran Ky Phuong, Crossing boundaries - learning from the past to build the future: an archaeological collaboration between Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam RCSD Research Report No. 8 [Tran 2013 #36174]
Journal Article 1993 Lam My Dung, Cac cong trinh khai thac nuoc dung da xep o quang tri [ Arranged-stone works for water exploitation in Quang Tri province] Khao Co Hoc [Lam 1993 #30953]
Journal Article 1993 Le Dinh Phung, Cac trung tam san xuat gom Cham Pa o Binh Dinh [ Centres of Champa ceramic production at Binh Dinh] Khao Co Hoc [Le 1993 #30944]
Journal Article 1993 Le Thi Lien, Gop them y kien ve hai pho tuong trong bao tang Cham Da Nang [ Further opinion on two statues in Cham Museum (Da Nang)] Khao Co Hoc [Le 1993 #30943]
Journal Article 1994 Vuong Hai Yen, Nhom tuong dong Avalokitesvara cua Champa [ The group of bronze statues Avalokitesvara of Champa] Khao Co Hoc [Vuong 1994 #30927]
Journal Article 1994 Pham Huu My, Ve buc phu dieu da Champa [ About a stone bas-relief of Champa] Khao Co Hoc [Pham 1994 #30926]
Journal Article 1994 Luong Ninh, Than tich Hindu giao va nghe thuat tieu tuong Hindu giao o Dong Nam A [ The Hinduist mythology and Hinduist iconography in Southeast Asia (especially in Champa and Cambodia kingdoms)] Khao Co Hoc [Luong 1994 #30902]
Journal Article 1996 Le Dinh Phung, Cac di tich van hoa Champa o Tay Nguyen [ Remains of Champa culture in Central Highlands (Tay Nguyen)] Khao Co Hoc [Le 1996 #30823]
Journal Article 1997 Lam My Dung, Di chi Hau Xa I va su giao luu van hoa nhieu chieu o nhung the ky truoc sau Cong nguyen [ Hau Xa I Site and cultural interraction in multidirection in centuries before and after C.E of ancient habitants in Hoi An] Khao Co Hoc [Lam 1997 #30818]
Journal Article 1998 Dinh Ba Hoa, Khai quat mot chiec gieng Cham co o trung tam thanh Do Ban - Binh Dinh [Excavation Champa ancient well in Citadel Do Ban (Binh Dinh Prov.)] Khao Co Hoc [Dinh 1998 #30783]
Journal Article 1999 Le Dinh Phung, Be tho Van Trach Hoa (Thua Thien - Hue) [ Altar Van Trach Hoa (Thua Thien - Hue)] Khao Co Hoc [Le 1999 #30736]
Journal Article 1999 Nguyen Manh Cuong, Gom Cham o Truong Sa [ Champa pottery at Truong Sa ] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1999 #30735]
Journal Article 1999 Kerry Nguyen Long, Di tich gom co Binh Dinh manh gom va san pham gom lien quan [ Old Champa kiln sites in Binh Dinh: shards and linked wares ] Khao Co Hoc [Kerry 1999 #30725]
Journal Article 2000 Pham Thi Ninh, Dieu tra khao co hoc khu vuc dao Ly son ( Quang Ngai ) thang 1 nam 1999 [ Archaeological survey on Ly Son island (Quang Ngai prov.) January, 1999] Khao Co Hoc [Pham 2000 #30715]
Journal Article 2000 Le Dinh Phung, Dau ngoi ong Champa [ End-tiles of Champa ] Khao Co Hoc [Le 2000 #30713]
Journal Article 1933 Mus, Paul Cultes indiens et indigènes au Champa Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Mus, 1933 #30379]
Journal Article 1991 My Dzung Lam, Sa Huynh jar burial sites and Champa relics in Hoi An Khao Co Hoc [My 1991 #29405]
Journal Article 1882 Lesserteur, L'Abbé E. C. Inscriptions Qhiames de l'ancien Ciampa Bulletin de la Société académique indo-chinoise de la France [Lesserteur, 1882 #29382]
Journal Article 1928 Mus, Paul L'inscription à Valmiki de Prakaçadharma (Tra-Kiêu) taken from Études indiennes et indochinoises Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Mus, 1928 #29073]
Journal Article 2000 Nakamura, Rie The coming of Islam to Champa Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Nakamura, 2000 #29067]
Journal Article 1909 Cœdès, George Bibliographie raisonnée des travaux relatifs à l'archéologie du Cambodge et du Champa Bulletin de la Commission Archéologique de l'Indochine [Cœdès, 1909 #29050]
Journal Article 2011 Barker, Randolph The origin and spread of early-ripening Champa rice: its impact on Song Dynasty China Rice [Barker, 2011 #28421]
Journal Article 1956 Boisselier, Jean Arts du Champa et du Cambodge préangkorien. La Date de Mi-so'n E-1 Artibus Asiae [Boisselier, 1956 #28373]
Journal Article 2014 Leadbetter, Michael Rediscovering Champa Explorations [Leadbetter, 2014 #27996]
Journal Article 2014 Chau, Mya Interrelationships in South and Southeast Asian art: Cham female iconography, Buddhist inscriptions and the Buddha image Explorations [Chau, 2014 #27995]
Journal Article 1902 Finot, M. L. Notes d'épigraphie: deux nouvelles inscriptions de Bhadravarman 1<sup>er</sup>, roi de Champa Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Finot, 1902 #27544]
Journal Article 1904 Finot, M. L. Notes d'épigraphie: les inscriptions de Mi-Sơn Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Finot, 1904 #27459]