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Ref ID: 30943
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Le Thi Lien,
Title: Gop them y kien ve hai pho tuong trong bao tang Cham Da Nang [ Further opinion on two statues in Cham Museum (Da Nang)]
Date: 1993
Source: Khao Co Hoc
Language: Vietnamese
Notes: Diacriticals from original publication not included
Abstract: While considering the functions and iconographical of two DrapaSta statues in Cham Museum, the author deals with the related system of Gods in Buddhism and Brahmarism. The author has on idea that while representing one incarnation of Siva Bhairava, the artist has adopted various currents of arts to illustrate a mixed Buddhism in Champa during Dong Duong period.
Date Created: 5/28/2004
Number: 87
Page Start: 67
Page End: 71
