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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Thesis-PhD 2018 Aung, Tin Htut Lithic technology and typology from hunter-gatherer sites in Myanmar with special reference to central belt and western fringe of Shan plateau [Aung, 2018 #37253]
Journal Article 2020 Fan, Jianan A study on the departure port of the Sinan shipwreck - a perspective based on the Chinese ceramic cargo Archaeological Research in Asia [Fan, 2020 #36689]
Book Section in a Series 1989 Sackett, James R. Statistics, Attributes, and the Dynamics of Burin Typology Alternative Approaches to Lithic Analysis [Sackett, 1989 #25214]
Book Section 1997 Bettinger, Robert Evolutionary implications of metrical variation in Great Basin projectile points Rediscovering Darwin: evolutionary theory and archeological explanation [Bettinger, 1997 #22147]
Book Section 2018 Feng, Aaron Kao Jiun The decorated earthenware from National Art Gallery site, Singapore Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2016 [Feng, 2018 #22249]
Journal Article 2016 Nguyen, Dong Truong Typological transformation among late paleolithic flaked core tools in Vietnam: an examination of the Pa Muoi assemblage Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology [Nguyen, 2016 #27529]
Book Section 2015 Pakpadee Yukongdi, Development of ceramics production in Ayutthaya Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2013: selected papers from the First SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology [Pakpadee 2015 #22497]
Book Section 2015 Dosedla, Henry Significant parallels between prehistoric New Guinean and Southeast Asian musical traditions Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2013: selected papers from the First SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology [Dosedla, 2015 #22490]
Journal Article 1954 Ford, James A. On the concept of types American Anthropologist [Ford, 1954 #28981]
Journal Article 1954 Spaulding, A. C. Reply to Ford American Antiquity [Spaulding, 1954 #28979]
Journal Article 2009 Haidle, Miriam Noël Missing types: overcoming the typology dilemma of lithic archaeology in Southeast Asia Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Haidle, 2009 #29092]
Journal Article 2009 Pawlik, Alfred Is the functional approach helpful to overcome the typology dilemma of lithic archaeology in Southeast Asia? Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Pawlik, 2009 #29091]
Journal Article 2008 Doelman, Trudy Flexibility and creativity in microblade core manufacture in Southern Primorye, Far East Russia Asian Perspectives (2008) [Doelman, 2008 #29227]
Thesis-MA 2007 Heng, S. A study of polished stone tools from Samrong Sen, Cambodia: the French museum collections [Heng, 2007 #36442]
Book Section 2008 Rambault, Emma Bronzes axes of the Samon Valley, Burma: a typological classification attempt From <i>Homo erectus</i> to the living traditions [Rambault, 2008 #23686]
Book Section in a Series 2004 Chugunov, K. V. Chronology and cultural affinity of the Kurgan Arzhan-2 complex according to archaeological data Impact of the environment on human migration in Eurasia [Chugunov, 2004 #25713]
Journal Article 1953 Spaulding, Albert C. Statistical techniques for the discovery of artifact types American Antiquity [Spaulding, 1953 #29704]
Book Section in a Series 1990 Cowgill, George L. Artifact classification and archaeological purposes Mathematics and information science in archaeology: a flexible framework [Cowgill, 1990 #25799]
Journal Article 1968 Sollberger, J. B. A partial report on research work concerning lithic typology and technology Bulletin of the Texas Archaeological Society [Sollberger, 1968 #30288]