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Ref ID: 36442
Ref Type: Thesis-MA
Authors: Heng, S.
Title: A study of polished stone tools from Samrong Sen, Cambodia: the French museum collections
Date: 2007
Publisher: Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle
Abstract: The prehistoric site of Samrong Sen has been discovered in the late 19th century. Large quantities of the artefacts were purchased from the villagers by different visitors and archaeologists who visited the site and exported them to Europe or other countries. For the moment many artefacts have been reported from different museums particularly in France. Musée de l’Homme, Paris, Musée d’Histoire Naturelle de Lyon, Musée d’Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse, Département de Préhistoire (Institut de Paléontologie Humaine), Paris, Musée des Antiquités Nationales, Saint-Germain-en-Laye near Paris and a few are displayed at the Museum of Far-Eastern Antiquities in Stockholm. Polished stone tools from Samrong Sen are the main topic of this study. They belong to different collections and all together comprise around 287 pieces with different tool types. Typology, morphological characteristic, raw material and chemical analysis, micro-wear examination and ethnographic comparison as well as comparison to polished stone tools of other prehistoric sites inside and outside the country are discussed in this dissertation. The target of this study is to collect and record the maximum data for the cultural assemblage of Samrong Sen, mainly the polished stone tools that kept in European museums, and to save them as a reference for further study of the polished stone implements of the Cambodian prehistory.
Date Created: 10/21/2008
Page Start: 100