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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 2018 Aung-Thwin, Michael Keynote: The myth of "splendid isolation" Bagan and the World: Early Myanmar and Its Global Connections [Aung-Thwin, 2018 #22279]
Book Section in a Series 2020 Aung, Tharaphy Conservation practices of colonial architectural heritage through comprehensive planning: a case in Yangon Central Business District Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2019: selected papers from the Third SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology, Bangkok, Thailand 2019 [Aung, 2020 #36943]
Thesis-PhD 2018 Aung, Tin Htut Lithic technology and typology from hunter-gatherer sites in Myanmar with special reference to central belt and western fringe of Shan plateau [Aung, 2018 #37253]
Journal Article 2013 Aung, Yee Yee New discoveries of rock art in Badalin Caves, Myanmar Melbourne [Aung, 2013 #37254]
Journal Article 2018 Bellina, Bérénice Myanmar's earliest maritime silk road port-settlements revealed Antiquity [Bellina, 2018 #37245]
Book Section in a Series 2020 Borell, Brigitte The materiality of writing: script on artefacts from early sites in southern Thailand and in southern Myanmar Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2019: selected papers from the Third SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology, Bangkok, Thailand 2019 [Borell, 2020 #36937]
Book Section 2018 Desphande, Olga The Viṣhṇu on Garuḍa from the Nat Hlaung Kyaung Temple, Bagan Bagan and the World: Early Myanmar and Its Global Connections [Desphande, 2018 #22275]
Journal Article 2020 Dussubieux, Laure First elemental analysis of glass from Southern Myanmar: replacing the region in the early Maritime Silk Road Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Dussubieux, 2020 #36664]
Journal Article 2018 Favereau, Aude Étude du mobilier céramique de deux cimetières de la fin du deuxième au début du premier millénaire avant notre ère en Haute Birmanie : technologie, typologie et chronologie Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Favereau, 2018 #37317]
Journal Article 2021 Georjon, Cloé Late Neolithic to early-mid Bronze Age semi-precious stone bead production and consumption at Oakaie and Nyaung'gan in central-northern Myanmar Archaeological Research in Asia [Georjon, 2021 #36881]
Book 2018 Goh, Geok Yian Bagan and the world: early Myanmar and its global connections [Goh, 2018 #19734]
Book Section 2018 Goh, Geok Yian Positioning Bagan in the Buddhist ecumene: Myanmar's trans-polity connections Bagan and the World: Early Myanmar and Its Global Connections [Goh, 2018 #22271]
Book Section 2017 Goh, Geok Yian The history and practice of archaeology in Myanmar Handbook of East and Southeast Asian Archaeology [Goh, 2017 #22306]
Journal Article 2020 Hidalgo Tan, Noel Mainland Southeast Asia: rock art Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology [Hidalgo 2020 #37242]
Journal Article 2002 Higham, C. F. W. Archaeology in Myanmar: past, present, and future Asian Perspectives (2001) [Higham, 2002 #26858]
Book Section in a Series 2020 Hnist, Mya Mya Understanding the heritage significance of Wet-Ma-Sut Monastery in Myanmar Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2019: selected papers from the Third SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology, Bangkok, Thailand 2019 [Hnist, 2020 #36942]
Journal Article 2023 Hoppál, Krisztina Southeast Asia and the Mediterranean world at the turn of the First Millennium CE: networks, commodities and cultural reception Cambridge Archaeological Journal [Hoppál, 2023 #37223]
Book Section 2018 Howard-Moore, Elizabeth Ta Mok Shwe-Gu-Gyi Temple Kyaukse and Bagan Bagan and the World: Early Myanmar and Its Global Connections [Howard-Moore, 2018 #22273]
Book Section 2018 Hudson, Bob The 19th century fortified villages of Myanmar's Kabaw and Kale Valleys Advancing Southeast Asian Archaeology 2016 [Hudson, 2018 #22251]
Book Section 2018 Hudson, Bob A thousand years before Bagan: radiocarbon dates and Myanmar's ancient Pyu cities Bagan and the World: Early Myanmar and Its Global Connections [Hudson, 2018 #22274]
Book Section 2020 Hudson, Bob The unique "basket-buildings" of Mrauk-U. Archaeological Technology School (Pyay), 15th anniversary edition [Hudson, 2020 #37147]
Book Section in a Series 2020 Iannone, Gyles Towards an integrated socio-ecological history for Bagan's Peri-Urban Settlement Zone (11th to 14th centuries CE): introducing the IRAW@Bagan Archaeological Project Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2019: selected papers from the Third SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology, Bangkok, Thailand 2019 [Iannone, 2020 #36955]
Journal Article 2021 Iannone, Gyles Finding the remains of classical Bagan’s peri-urban support population: using ethnoarchaeological data to enhance archaeological excavation and interpretation World Archaeology [Iannone, 2021 #37091]
Book Section 2018 Kyaing, Win The water management of historic Bagan: the chronology and typology of hydraulic works in the ancient Buddhist city Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2016 [Kyaing, 2018 #22236]
Book Section in a Series 2020 Kyaing, Win The sustainable hydrological features in the historical city of Mrauk-U Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2019: selected papers from the Third SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology, Bangkok, Thailand 2019 [Kyaing, 2020 #36957]
Book Section 2018 Kyaw, Pyiet Phyo Religious symbols as decorations on the sikhara of ancient monuments in the late Bagan period Bagan and the World: Early Myanmar and Its Global Connections [Kyaw, 2018 #22276]
Book Section in a Series 2020 Kyaw, Pyiet Phyo From the mountains to the Ayeyarwady River: water management in Bagan, Myanmar during the 11th to 14th centuries Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2019: selected papers from the Third SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology, Bangkok, Thailand 2019 [Kyaw, 2020 #36956]
Book Section 2018 Lat, Kyaw Analysis of construction technologies in Pyu cities and Bagan Bagan and the World: Early Myanmar and Its Global Connections [Lat, 2018 #22278]
Book Section in a Series 2020 Linn, Sanda Flaming pediments of the Bagan period Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2019: selected papers from the Third SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology, Bangkok, Thailand 2019 [Linn, 2020 #36940]
Book Section 2018 Lwin, Kyaw Oo Archaeological development in Myanmar 2013-2015 (country report) Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2016 [Lwin, 2018 #22260]