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Ref ID: 37317
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Favereau, Aude
Pryce, Thomas O.
Win, Tin Tin
Champion, Louis
Win, Thu Thu
Myat Myat Htwe, Kalayar
Mar, Aye Aye
Pradier, Baptiste
Willis, Anna
Title: Étude du mobilier céramique de deux cimetières de la fin du deuxième au début du premier millénaire avant notre ère en Haute Birmanie : technologie, typologie et chronologie
Date: 2018
Source: Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient
Language: French
Abstract: This paper concerns the ceramic assemblages of two late second to early first millennia BC cemeteries, Oakaie 1 and Nyaung’gan,
located in the Sagaing region of Upper Myanmar. In total, sixty-one graves have been excavated. Various grave goods were recovered
in addition to the pottery, numerous classes of which exhibited stylistic similarities from one site to the other. Based on this
observation, this article questions the existence of shared cultural traditions and interactions between the populations using the two
cemeteries. A technological analysis of pottery was conducted, allowing us to classify pottery into socially significant techno-stylistic
groups. For each site, the detailed analysis of techniques and styles permits the characterization of different groups of pottery which,
examined in the light of the bioarchaeological and stratigraphic data, can be used to distinguish burial phases and to refine the
Volume: 104
Page Start: 33
Page End: 61