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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article July 2022 Deng, Zhenhua Early Austronesians cultivated rice and millet together: tracing Taiwan’s first Neolithic crops Frontiers in Plant Science [Deng, July 2022 #37059]
Journal Article 2022 Higham, Charles Khok Phanom Di: new radiocarbon dates and their implications Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology [Higham, 2022 #37165]
Journal Article 2022 Findley, David Max Land Use Change in a Pericolonial Society: Intensification and Diversification in Ifugao, Philippines Between 1570 and 1800 CE Frontiers in Earth Science [Findley, 2022 #37075]
Book Section 2022 Rispoli, Fiorella The expansion of rice and millet farmers into Southeast Asia The Oxford Handbook of Early Southeast Asia [Rispoli, 2022 #37027]
Journal Article 2022 Peters, Joris The biocultural origins and dispersal of domestic chickens Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences [Peters, 2022 #37000]
Journal Article 2021 Higham, Charles F. W. The later prehistory of Southeast Asia and southern China: the impact of exchange, farming and metallurgy Asian Archaeology [Higham, 2021 #37319]
Journal Article 2021 Guo, Jianxin Genomic insights into Neolithic farming-related migrations in the junction of East and Southeast Asia American Journal of Biological Anthropology [Guo, 2021 #37318]
Journal Article 2021 Alam, Ornob Genome analysis traces regional dispersal of rice in Taiwan and Southeast Asia Molecular Biology and Evolution [Alam, 2021 #37117]
Journal Article 2020 Fuller, Dorian Q. Transitions in productivity: rice intensification from domestication to urbanisation Archaeology International [Fuller, 2020 #36923]
Journal Article 2020 Ma, Ting Holocene coastal evolution preceded the expansion of paddy field rice farming PNAS [Ma, 2020 #36842]
Journal Article 2020 Leipe, Christian The spread of rice to Japan: insights from Bayesian analysis of direct radiocarbon dates and population dynamics in East Asia Quaternary Science Reviews [Leipe, 2020 #36811]
Journal Article 2020 Guedes, Jade d'Alpoim Three thousand years of farming strategies in central Thailand Antiquity [Guedes, 2020 #36763]
Journal Article 2020 Deng, Zhenhua Validating earliest rice farming in the Indonesian Archipelago Scientific Reports [Deng, 2020 #36676]
Journal Article 2020 Gutaker, Rafal M. Genomic history and ecology of the geographic spread of rice Nature Plants [Gutaker, 2020 #36651]
Journal Article 2019 d'Alpoim Guedes, Jade The wet and the dry, the wild and the cultivated: subsistence and risk management in ancient Central Thailand Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [d'Alpoim 2019 #26672]
Book Section in a Series 2019 Qin, Ling Why rice farmers don't sail: coastal subsistence traditions and maritime trends in early China Prehistoric Maritime Cultures and Seafaring in East Asia [Qin, 2019 #19016]
Journal Article 2019 Setyaningsih, Christina A. First palaeoecological evidence of buffalo husbandry and rice cultivation in the Kerinci Seblat National Park in Sumatra, Indonesia Vegetation History and Archaeobotany [Setyaningsih, 2019 #18963]
Journal Article 2018 Castillo, Cristina C. Social responses to climate change in Iron Age north-east Thailand: new archaeobotanical evidence Antiquity [Castillo, 2018 #36829]
Journal Article 2018 Cobo Castillo, Cristina Life goes on: Archaeobotanical investigations of diet and ritual at Angkor Thom, Cambodia (14th–15th centuries CE) The Holocene [Cobo 2018 #26863]
Journal Article 2018 Acabado, Stephen Zones of refuge: Resisting conquest in the northern Philippine highlands through environmental practice Journal of Anthropological Archaeology [Acabado, 2018 #26726]
Journal Article 2018 Horrocks, Mark Plant microfossil results from Old Kiyyangan Village: looking for the introduction and expansion of wet-field rice (<i>Oryza sativa</i>) cultivation in the Ifugao Rice Terraces, Philippine Cordilleras Asian Perspectives [Horrocks, 2018 #26722]
Journal Article 2018 Castillo, Cristina Cobo Preservation bias: is rice overrepresented in the archaeological record? Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Castillo, 2018 #26704]
Journal Article 2018 Acabado, Stephen Status differentiation, agricultural intensification, and pottery production in precapitalist Kiyyangan, Ifugao, Philippines Archaeological Research in Asia [Acabado, 2018 #26695]
Book Section in a Series 2018 Bulbeck, David Imported tradeware ceramics and their relevance for dating socio-political developments in South Sulawesi, with special reference to the Allangkanangnge ri Latanete site The Archaeology of Sulawesi [Bulbeck, 2018 #25315]
Journal Article 2017 Barker, Graeme The ‘cultured rainforests’ of Borneo Quaternary International [Barker, 2017 #27034]
Journal Article 2017 Kanthilatha, Nelum Implications of phytolith and diatom assemblages in the cultural layers of prehistoric archaeological sites of Ban Non Wat and Nong Hua Raet in Northeast Thailand Environmental Archaeology [Kanthilatha, 2017 #26854]
Journal Article 2017 Acabado, Stephen Status differentiation, agricultural intensificiation, and pottery production in precapitalist Kiyyangn, Ifugao, Philippines Archaeological Research in Asia [Acabado, 2017 #26812]
Book Section in a Series 2017 Castillo, Cristina Archaeobotany, evidence of exchange networks, and agricultural practices Khao Sam Kaeo: An Early Port-City between the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea [Castillo, 2017 #25368]
Book Section 2017 Fuller, Dorian Q. How rice failed to unify Asia: globalization and regionalism of early farming traditions in the monsoon world The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Globalization [Fuller, 2017 #22326]
Journal Article 2016 Li, HaiMing Prehistoric agriculture development in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, southwest China: Archaeobotanical evidence Science China Earth Sciences [Li, 2016 #37320]