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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2019 White, Chantel Rice carbonization and the archaeobotanical record: experimental results from the Ban Chiang ethnobotanical collection, Thailand Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [White, 2019 #26670]
Journal Article 2017 Castillo, Cristina Cobo Development of cereal agriculture in prehistoric mainland Southeast Asia Man in India [Castillo, 2017 #26671]
Journal Article 2018 Castillo, Cristina Cobo Preservation bias: is rice overrepresented in the archaeological record? Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Castillo, 2018 #26704]
Journal Article 2018 Florin, S. Anna Moving past the ‘Neolithic problem’: the development and interaction of subsistence systems across northern Sahul Quaternary International [Florin, 2018 #26737]
Journal Article 2018 Weisskopf, Alison Elusive wild foods in South East Asian subsistence: modern ethnography and archaeological phytoliths Quaternary International [Weisskopf, 2018 #26739]
Journal Article 2018 Dal Martello, Rita Early agriculture at the crossroads of China and Southeast Asia: archaeobotanical evidence and radiocarbon dates from Baiyangcun, Yunnan Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [Dal 2018 #26745]
Journal Article 2018 Yong Ge, Phytolith analysis for the identification of barnyard millet (<i>Echinochloa </i> sp.) and its implications Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Yong 2018 #26763]
Journal Article 1995 Maloney, B. K. A brief reinterpretation of the pollen record from Khok Phanom Di, central Thailand, and its archaeological significance Antiquity [Maloney, 1995 #26803]
Journal Article 2017 Bonhomme, Vincent Identification of inter- and intra-species variation in cereal grains through geometric morphometric analysis, and its resilience under experimental charring Journal of Archaeological Science [Bonhomme, 2017 #26820]
Journal Article 2017 Zhang, Naimeng Diet reconstructed from an analysis of plant microfossils in human dental calculus from the Bronze Age site of Shilinggang, southwestern China Journal of Archaeological Science [Zhang, 2017 #26828]
Journal Article 2017 Bates, J. Approaching rice domestication in South Asia: new evidence from Indus settlements in northern India Journal of Archaeological Science [Bates, 2017 #26838]
Journal Article 2017 Monnier, Gilliane Developing FTIR microspectroscopy for analysis of plant residues on stone tools Journal of Archaeological Science [Monnier, 2017 #26839]
Journal Article 2018 Cobo Castillo, Cristina Life goes on: Archaeobotanical investigations of diet and ritual at Angkor Thom, Cambodia (14th–15th centuries CE) The Holocene [Cobo 2018 #26863]
Journal Article 2017 Stevens, Chris J. The spread of agriculture in eastern Asia Language Dynamics and Change [Stevens, 2017 #26902]
Journal Article 2017 Asscher, Yotam A new method for extracting the insoluble occluded carbon in archaeological and modern phytoliths: detection of <sup>14</sup>C depleted carbon fraction and implications for radiocarbon dating Journal of Archaeological Science [Asscher, 2017 #26906]
Journal Article 2014 Barton, Loukas An evaluation of competing hypotheses for the early adoption of wheat in East Asia World Archaeology [Barton, 2014 #26964]
Journal Article 2016 Zheng, Yunfei Rice domestication revealed by reduced shattering of archaeological rice from the lower Yangtze valley Scientific Reports [Zheng, 2016 #26982]
Journal Article 2018 Castillo, Cristina Cobo The archaeobotany of Khao Sek Archaeological Research in Asia [Castillo, 2018 #26997]
Journal Article 2017 Deng, Zhenhua The ancient dispersal of millets in southern China: new archaeological evidence The Holocene [Deng, 2017 #26998]
Journal Article 2015 Weisskopf, Alison The interplay of millets and rice in Neolithic central China: integrating phytoliths into the archaeobotany of Baligang Archaeological Research in Asia [Weisskopf, 2015 #27011]
Journal Article 2016 Liu, Hanggao Human settlements and plant utilization since the late prehistoric period in the Nujiang River valley, Southeast Tibetan Plateau Archaeological Research in Asia [Liu, 2016 #27013]
Journal Article 2016 Hou, GuangLiang Plant utilization at the Jiangxigou site during the middle Holocene Archaeological Research in Asia [Hou, 2016 #27014]
Journal Article 2017 Barron, Aleese MicroCT reveals domesticated rice (Oryza sativa) within pottery sherds from early Neolithic sites (4150–3265 cal BP) in Southeast Asia Scientific Reports [Barron, 2017 #27036]
Journal Article 2017 Castillo, Cristina Cobo Hunter-gatherer specialization in the late neolithic of southern Vietnam - the case of Rach Nui Quaternary International [Castillo, 2017 #27388]
Journal Article 2009 Denham, Tim Pre-Austronesian dispersal of banana cultivars West from New Guinea: linguistic relics from Eastern Indonesia Archaeology in Oceania [Denham, 2009 #27519]
Journal Article 2016 Crawford, Gary W. People and plant interaction at the Houli Culture Yuezhuang site in Shandong Province, China Holocene [Crawford, 2016 #27601]
Journal Article 2016 Stevens, Chris J. Between China and South Asia: a middle Asian corridor of crop dispersal and agricultural innovation in the bronze age Holocene [Stevens, 2016 #27602]
Journal Article 2016 Castillo, Cristina Cobo Rice, beans and trade crops on the early maritime Silk Route in Southeast Asia Antiquity [Castillo, 2016 #27609]
Journal Article 2016 Crowther, Alison Ancient crops provide first archaeological signature of the westward Austronesian expansion PNAS [Crowther, 2016 #27631]
Journal Article 2016 Castillo, Cristina Cobo Archaeogenetic study of prehistoric rice remains from Thailand and India: evidence of early <i>japonica</i> in South and Southeast Asia Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Castillo, 2016 #27922]