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Ref ID: 27036
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Barron, Aleese
Turner, Michael
Beeching, Levi
Bellwood, Peter
Piper, Phillip
Grono, Elle
Jones, Rebecca
Oxenham, Marc
Nguyen Khanh Trung Kien,
Senden, Tim
Denham, Tim
Title: MicroCT reveals domesticated rice (Oryza sativa) within pottery sherds from early Neolithic sites (4150–3265 cal BP) in Southeast Asia
Date: 2017
Source: Scientific Reports
Abstract: Rice (Oryza sativa) was domesticated in the Yangtze Valley region at least 6000–-8000 years ago, yet the timing of dispersal of domesticated rice to Southeast Asia is contentious. Often rice is not well-preserved in archaeobotanical assemblages at early Neolithic sites in the wet tropics of Southeast Asia and consequently rice impressions in pottery have been used as a proxy for rice cultivation despite their uncertain taxonomic and domestication status. In this research, we use microCT technology to determine the 3D microscale morphology of rice husk and spikelet base inclusions within pottery sherds from early Neolithic sites in Vietnam. In contrast to surface impressions, microCT provides images of the entire husk and spikelet base preserved within the pottery, including the abscission scar characteristic of domesticated rice. This research demonstrates the potential of microCT to be a new, non-destructive method for the identification of domesticated plant remains within pottery sherds, especially in contexts where archaeobotanical preservation is poor and chaff-tempered sherds are rare and unavailable for destructive analysis. The method has the potential to greatly advance the understanding of crop domestication and agricultural dispersal for ceramic cultures in different parts of the world.
Date Created: 9/19/2017
Volume: 7
Number: 7410
Page Start: 1
Page End: 5