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Ref ID: 26902
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Stevens, Chris J.
Fuller, Dorian Q.
Title: The spread of agriculture in eastern Asia
Date: 2017
Source: Language Dynamics and Change
Abstract: Millets and rice were important for the demographic history of China. This review draws on current archaeobotanical evidence for rice and millets across China, Korea, eastern Russia, Taiwan, Mainland southeast Asia, and Japan, taking a critical approach to dating evidence, evidence for cultivation, and morphological domestication. There is no evidence to suggest that millets and rice were domesticated simultaneously within a single region. Instead, 5 regions of north China are candidates for independent early cultivation of millets that led to domestication, and 3 regions of the Yangtze basin are candidates for separate rice domestication trajectories. The integration of rice and millet into a single agricultural system took place ca. 4000 BC, and after this the spread of agricultural systems and population growth are in evidence. The most striking evidence for agricultural dispersal and population growth took place between 3000 and 2500 BC, which has implications for major language dispersals.
Date Created: 12/13/2017
Volume: 7
Number: 7
Page Start: 152
Page End: 186