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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section in a Series 1992 Hanihara, Tsunehiko Dental and cranial evidence on the affinities of the East Asian and Pacific populations International symposium on Japanese as a member of the Asian and Pacific populations: September 25-29, 1990, Shin-Miyako Hotel Kyoto, Japan [Hanihara, 1992 #26202]
Journal Article 1979 Turner, Christy G., II Dental anthropological indications of agriculture among the Jomon people of central Japan American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Turner, 1979 #35357]
Book 1996 Hillson, Simon Dental Anthropology [Hillson, 1996 #20971]
Book Section 1984 Hojgaard, Karen Dental anthropology in relation to the north-west coast of the Indian sub-continent in the third millennium BC South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Hojgaard, 1984 #23350]
Book Section 2015 Tromp, Monica Dental calculus and plant diet in Oceania The Routledge handbook of bioarchaeology in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands [Tromp, 2015 #22441]
Book Section 1991 Larsen, Clark Spencer Dental caries evidence for dietary change: an archaeological context Advances in dental anthropology [Larsen, 1991 #24719]
Journal Article 1986 Schneider, K. N. Dental caries, enamel composition, and subsistence among prehistoric Amerindians of Ohio American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Schneider, 1986 #34531]
Journal Article 1995 Matsumura, Hirofumi Dental characteristics affinities of the prehistoric to modern Japanese with East Asians, American Natives and Australo-Melanesians Anthropological Science [Matsumura, 1995 #31995]
Journal Article 1995 Matsumura, Hirofumi Dental characteristics affinities of the prehistoric to modern Japanese with the East Asians, American natives and Australo-Melanesians Anthropological Science [Matsumura, 1995 #34049]
Journal Article 1995 Matsumura, H. Dental characteristics affinities of the prehistoric to modern Japanese with the East Asians, American Natives and Australo-Melanesians Anthropological Science [Matsumura, 1995 #35396]
Book Section 1991 Goodman, Alan H. Dental enamel hypoplasias as indicators of nutritional status Advances in dental anthropology [Goodman, 1991 #24647]
Journal Article 1976 Turner, Christy G., II Dental evidence on the origins of the Ainu and Japanese Science [Turner, 1976 #35219]
Journal Article 2013 Newton, J. S. Dental health in iron age Cambodia: temporal variations with rice agriculture International Journal of Paleopathology [Newton, 2013 #28218]
Book Section 2007 Koesbardiati, Toetik Dental modification in Flores: a biocultural perspective Recent Advances on Southeast Asian Paleoanthropology and Archaeology: Proceedings International Seminar on Southeast Asian Paleoanthropology [Koesbardiati, 2007 #23737]
Journal Article 1996 Oyamada, Joichi Dental morbid condition of hunter-gatherers on Okinawa Island during the Middle Period of the prehistoric shell midden culture and of agriculturalists in Northern Kyushu during the Yayoi Period Anthropological Science [Oyamada, 1996 #32001]
Journal Article 2000 Bulbeck, F. David Dental morphology at Gua Cha, West Malaysia, and the implications for "Sundadonty" Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Bulbeck, 2000 #35378]
Journal Article 2001 Matsumura, Hirofumi Dental morphology of the early Hoabinhian, the Neolithic Da But and the Metal Age Dong Son civilized peoples in Vietnam Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Anthropologie [Matsumura, 2001 #34048]
Book Section 1989 Lukacs, John R. Dental paleopathology: methods for reconstructing dietary patterns Reconstruction of life from the skeleton [Lukacs, 1989 #24714]
Journal Article 2001 Hudson, Mark Dental pathology and subsistence change in late prehistoric Okinawa Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Hudson, 2001 #34039]
Journal Article 2017 Corny, Julien Dental phenotypic shape variation supports a multiple dispersal model for anatomically modern humans in Southeast Asia Journal of Human Evolution [Corny, 2017 #26932]
Journal Article 2011 Smith, Tanya M. Dental tissue proportions in fossil orangutans from mainland Asia and Indonesia Human Origins Research [Smith, 2011 #27755]
Journal Article 2003 Higa, Takako Dental variation of Ryukyu Islanders: a comparative study among Ryukyu, Ainu, and other Asian populations American Journal of Human Biology [Higa, 2003 #32539]
Journal Article 1992 Hanihara, Tsunehiko Dental variation of the Polynesian populations Journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon (人類學雜誌) [Hanihara, 1992 #35413]
Book Section in a Series 2006 Turner II, Christy G. Dentition of the Batak people of Palawan Island, the Philippines: Southeast Asian Negrito origins Bioarchaeology of Southeast Asia [Turner 2006 #25882]
Thesis-PhD 2002 Pechenkina, Ekaterina Alexandrovna Diet and health changes among the millet-growing farmers of northern China in prehistory [Pechenkina, 2002 #36550]
Journal Article 2002 Lieverse, Angela R. Diet and the aetiology of dental calculus International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Lieverse, 2002 #33637]
Book Section 1994 White, Christine D. Dietary dental pathology and cultural change in the Maya Strength in diversity: a reader in physical anthropology [White, 1994 #24680]
Journal Article 1976 Hoyme, L. E. S. Ecology of dental disease American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Hoyme, 1976 #34660]
Journal Article 2006 Matsumura, Hirofumi Embodying Okhotsk ethnicity: human skeletal remains from the Aonae Dune site, Okushiri Island, Hokkaido Asian Perspectives (2006) [Matsumura, 2006 #30273]
Journal Article 2001 Sciulli, Paul W. Evolution of dentition in prehistoric Ohio Valley Native Americans III. Metrics of deciduous dentition American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Sciulli, 2001 #31918]