Abstract: |
<p>Dental modification is normally done as a function of initiation. Initiation can be defined as a sign that a boy or a girl become mature, physically and sexually. Initiation is also defined that the initiated boy or girl is entering the marriage phase. Moreover, initiation is done as a sign of the condolence. Initation is a form of cultural practices that has been agreed by all members of the group. This tradition is transferred from generation to generation. Based on this tradition (in term of dental modification), the pattern of migration from the past can be reconstructed. Dental modification can be found in many groups in Indonesia, including Flores. Some paleoanthropological-archaeological findings of Flores, i.e. Liang Bua, Liang Toge, Liang X, Gua Alo, Lewoleba and Melolo indicated that there are patterns of dental modification. The patterns are teeth filing, extracting and blackening in various ways. Teeth filing is a common pattern for all groups. Teeth extracting is only shown by Liang Bua, Lewoleba and Melolo. On the other hand, Liang Bua, Lewoleba and Liang Toge show also teeth blackening. These kind of intentional dental mutilation indicate the pattern of migration in Flores.</p>