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Ref ID: 34039
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Hudson, Mark
Takamiya, Hiroto
Title: Dental pathology and subsistence change in late prehistoric Okinawa
Date: 2001
Source: Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association
Notes: Indo-Pacific prehistory: the Melaka papers, Vol. 5
Abstract: This paper presents the first extensive series of paleopathological data from the Ryukyu islands, analyzing evidence of dental caries, calculus and enamel hypoplasias from sixteen sites dating from the Early Shellmound phase IV to the early modern period. The results are consistent with our hypotheses that the Late I-III phases were a time of food stress in these islands and that agriculture began there in the Late IV phase. The small samples used here, however, mean that these preliminary results require further confirmation.
Date Created: 1/9/2002
Volume: 21
Page Start: 68
Page End: 76