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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 1992 Pietrusewsky, Michael Modern and near modern populations of Asia and the Pacific: a multivariate craniometric interpretation The evolution and dispersal of modern humans in Asia [Pietrusewsky, 1992 #24667]
Journal Article 1987 Wang, Linghong Racial relationship between Chinese and Japanese: a statistical study of cranial measurements 人类学学报 (Act Anthropologica Sinica) [Wang, 1987 #34443]
Book 1997 King, Christopher A. Osteometric Assessment of 20th Century Skeletons from Thailand and Hong Hong [King, 1997 #21306]
Book in a Series 1973 Sartono, S. On cranial measurements of Pithecanthropus erectus (Pithecanthropus VIII) [Sartono, 1973 #21776]
Book in a Series 1938 Huard, Pierre. Etat actuel de la craniologie Indochinoise (craniométrie préhistorique et actuelle [Huard, 1938 #21886]
Thesis-PhD 2001 Wescott, Daniel Jay Structural variation in the humerus and femur in the American Great Plains and adjacent regions: differences in subsistence strategy and physical terrain [Wescott, 2001 #36510]
Thesis-PhD 2001 Wescott, Danial J. Structural variation in the humerus and femur in the American Great Plains and adjacent regions: differences in subsistence strategy and physical terrain [Wescott, 2001 #36569]
Thesis-PhD 1951 Tien, Uttayanang The study of cranial volume, cranial module, size, and indices of Thai and Chinese skulls [Tien, 1951 #36615]
Thesis-PhD 1970 Sangvichien, Sanjai Thai skulls: the study of physical anthropology [Sangvichien, 1970 #36617]