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Ref ID: 36617
Ref Type: Thesis-PhD
Authors: Sangvichien, Sanjai
Title: Thai skulls: the study of physical anthropology
Date: 1970
Place of Publication: Bangkok
Publisher: Mahidol University
Type: M.D. Dissertation
Abstract: Males (N=119) Females (N=92) Total (N=211) Male age range 25-50 Female age range 16-74 Cranial Length mean SD range M 173.1 6.14 152-187 F 164.6 6.53 153-182 Cranial Breadth mean SD range M 142.8 5.84 127-159 F 139.5 5.56 126-151 Basion-Bregma mean SD range M 136.9 5.74 121-150 F 130.2 5.53 121-148 Cranial Index (CB/CL)*100 both brachycranic nearing hyperbrachycranic mean range M 82.69 72.07-91.12 F 84.32 75.00-96.86 Length-height (BABR/CL)*100 both Hypsicranic mean SD range M 79.12 3.69 69.18-89.09 F 80.27 3.57 72.37-89.70 Breadth-height (BABR/CB)*100 Metricranic mean SD range M 95.81 4.47 83.10-108.88 F 95.22 3.82 85.32-103.96 Nasion-Basion mean M 99.38 F 95.49 \uDimension Male Female\u Facial Length 95.82 95.13 Lower Facial Length 107.11 104.78 Upper Facial Breadth 104.68 100.19 Biorbital Breadth 97.75 94.12 Bizygomatic Breadth 133.08 125.74 Maxillary Breadth 99.07 95.55 Facial Height 119.81 110.19 Upper Facial Height 70.93 65.66 Interorbital Breadth 23.53 22.82 Bicondylar Breadth 122.52 116.30 Ramus Height 31.89 30.35 \uBigonial Breadth 100.23 93.70\u \uIndice Male Female\u Facial 90.11 87.65 Mesoprosopic Orbital 81.48 81.50 Hypsiconchic Upper Facial 53.08 52.11 Mesene Interorbital 19.42 19.48 Nasal 52.22 54.51 Chamaerrhine External Paletal 124.53 122.71 Brachyuranic Gnathic 96.61 100.21 Mesognathic Ramus 54.64 57.70 \uCraniofacial Transverse 93.35 90.18\u
Date Created: 7/5/2001
Department: Department of Anatomy