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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 1991 Lafont, Pierre-Bernard Les grandes dates de l’histoire du Campa Le Campa et le monde malais: actes de la Conférence internationale sur le Campa et le monde malais [Lafont, 1991 #23646]
Book Section 1991 Jacq-Hergoulac'h, M. L'armée de Campa au début du XIII siècle Le Campa et le monde malais: actes de la Conférence internationale sur le Campa et le monde malais [Jacq-Hergoulac'h, 1991 #23732]
Journal Article 1991 My Dzung Lam, Sa Huynh jar burial sites and Champa relics in Hoi An Khao Co Hoc [My 1991 #29405]
Journal Article 1993 Le Thi Lien, Gop them y kien ve hai pho tuong trong bao tang Cham Da Nang [ Further opinion on two statues in Cham Museum (Da Nang)] Khao Co Hoc [Le 1993 #30943]
Journal Article 1993 Le Dinh Phung, Cac trung tam san xuat gom Cham Pa o Binh Dinh [ Centres of Champa ceramic production at Binh Dinh] Khao Co Hoc [Le 1993 #30944]
Journal Article 1993 Lam My Dung, Cac cong trinh khai thac nuoc dung da xep o quang tri [ Arranged-stone works for water exploitation in Quang Tri province] Khao Co Hoc [Lam 1993 #30953]
Journal Article 1994 Luong Ninh, Than tich Hindu giao va nghe thuat tieu tuong Hindu giao o Dong Nam A [ The Hinduist mythology and Hinduist iconography in Southeast Asia (especially in Champa and Cambodia kingdoms)] Khao Co Hoc [Luong 1994 #30902]
Journal Article 1994 Pham Huu My, Ve buc phu dieu da Champa [ About a stone bas-relief of Champa] Khao Co Hoc [Pham 1994 #30926]
Journal Article 1994 Vuong Hai Yen, Nhom tuong dong Avalokitesvara cua Champa [ The group of bronze statues Avalokitesvara of Champa] Khao Co Hoc [Vuong 1994 #30927]
Book Section 1995 Boisselier, Jean Le Nagaraja de Mi Son et les débuts de l'hindouisation de Champa Studies and reflections on Asian art history and archaeology, essays in Honour of H.S.H. Professor Suphadradis Diskul [Boisselier, 1995 #23927]
Book 1996 Xuân Diem Lê, Co vat Champa (Artefacts of Champa) [Xuân 1996 #20447]
Journal Article 1996 Le Dinh Phung, Cac di tich van hoa Champa o Tay Nguyen [ Remains of Champa culture in Central Highlands (Tay Nguyen)] Khao Co Hoc [Le 1996 #30823]
Book Section 1997 Guillon, E. Nagara Campa, Campapura: recherches sur l'ancien Champa Living a life in accord with Dhamma: papers in honor of Professor Jean Boisselier on his eightieth birthday [Guillon, 1997 #23785]
Journal Article 1997 Lam My Dung, Di chi Hau Xa I va su giao luu van hoa nhieu chieu o nhung the ky truoc sau Cong nguyen [ Hau Xa I Site and cultural interraction in multidirection in centuries before and after C.E of ancient habitants in Hoi An] Khao Co Hoc [Lam 1997 #30818]
Book Section 1998 Taylor, Nora Sculptures of Cham deities: gods or kings? Southeast Asian Archaeology 1996: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Leiden, 2-6 September 1996 [Taylor, 1998 #23518]
Journal Article 1998 Dinh Ba Hoa, Khai quat mot chiec gieng Cham co o trung tam thanh Do Ban - Binh Dinh [Excavation Champa ancient well in Citadel Do Ban (Binh Dinh Prov.)] Khao Co Hoc [Dinh 1998 #30783]
Journal Article 1999 Kerry Nguyen Long, Di tich gom co Binh Dinh manh gom va san pham gom lien quan [ Old Champa kiln sites in Binh Dinh: shards and linked wares ] Khao Co Hoc [Kerry 1999 #30725]
Journal Article 1999 Nguyen Manh Cuong, Gom Cham o Truong Sa [ Champa pottery at Truong Sa ] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1999 #30735]
Journal Article 1999 Le Dinh Phung, Be tho Van Trach Hoa (Thua Thien - Hue) [ Altar Van Trach Hoa (Thua Thien - Hue)] Khao Co Hoc [Le 1999 #30736]
Journal Article 2000 Nakamura, Rie The coming of Islam to Champa Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Nakamura, 2000 #29067]
Journal Article 2000 Le Dinh Phung, Dau ngoi ong Champa [ End-tiles of Champa ] Khao Co Hoc [Le 2000 #30713]
Journal Article 2000 Pham Thi Ninh, Dieu tra khao co hoc khu vuc dao Ly son ( Quang Ngai ) thang 1 nam 1999 [ Archaeological survey on Ly Son island (Quang Ngai prov.) January, 1999] Khao Co Hoc [Pham 2000 #30715]
Book 2002 Yoji, A Champa ceramics: production and trade [Yoji, 2002 #20299]
Book Section 2004 Southworth, William A. The coastal states of Champa Southeast Asia: from prehistory to history [Southworth, 2004 #24275]
Book Section 2008 Schweyer, Anne-Valérie L’époque dite décadente au Campā: vers une réhabilitation des 14e-15e siècles From <i>Homo erectus</i> to the living traditions [Schweyer, 2008 #23676]
Book Section 2008 Guillon, Emmanuel Connexion entre cultures (l'ancien Champa et ses voisins) European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Guillon, 2008 #23677]
Book Section 2011 Phuong, Tran Ky The preservation and management of the monuments of Champa in Central Vietnam: the example of Mỹ Sơn Sanctuary, a World Cultural Heritage Site Rethinking cultural resource management in Southeast Asia: preservation, development, and neglect [Phuong, 2011 #22954]
Journal Article 2011 Barker, Randolph The origin and spread of early-ripening Champa rice: its impact on Song Dynasty China Rice [Barker, 2011 #28421]
Book Section 2012 Schweyer, Anne-Valérie The birth of Champa Connecting empires and states: selected papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Schweyer, 2012 #22828]
Report 2013 Tran Ky Phuong, Crossing boundaries - learning from the past to build the future: an archaeological collaboration between Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam RCSD Research Report No. 8 [Tran 2013 #36174]