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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1960 Chia, Lan-po On the age of the chipped stone artifacts in Kwangsi caves Vertebrata Palasiatica [Chia, 1960 #31336]
Journal Article 1958 Chin, You-din The stone age in Thailand Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India [Chin, 1958 #34021]
Journal Article 1994 Chu Van Tan, Van hoa Hoa Binh: Nien dai va cac giai doan [ The Hoa Binh culture: dates and phases] Khao Co Hoc [Chu 1994 #30897]
Journal Article 1992 Chu Van tan, Khong gian cu tru mo: Di chi Sap Viet, nhung chung tich tien Hoa Binh - Hoa Binh va hau Hoa Binh [ The opened space of habitatin: Sap Viet site, the evidence of pre- Hoabinhian -Hoabinhian and post Hoabinhian ] Khao Co Hoc [Chu 1992 #30984]
Journal Article 1988 Chu Van Tan, Van de nong nghiep som o Viêt nam va Dong Nam A [ Problem of early agriculture in Vietnam and South East Asia ] Khao Co Hoc [Chu 1988 #31074]
Journal Article 1929 Colani, Madeleine Gravures primitives sur pierre et sur os (Stations hoabinhiennes et bacsoniennes) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Colani, 1929 #32234]
Journal Article 1929 Colani, Madeleine Quelques stations hoabinhiennes (note préliminaire) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Colani, 1929 #32235]
Journal Article 1929 Colani, Madeleine Quelques Paléolithes Hoabiniens typiques de l'Abri sous roche de Lang-Kay Société préhistorique française [Colani, 1929 #35191]
Journal Article 1939 Colani, Madeleine La civilization Hoabinhienne extrème-orientale Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française [Colani, 1939 #35911]
Journal Article 1926 Colani, Madeleine Découverte d'industries paléolithiques dans la province de Hoa-Binh, Tonkin L'Anthropologie [Colani, 1926 #35916]
Journal Article 2021 Conrad, Cyler Re-evaluating Pleistocene–Holocene occupation of cave sites in north-west Thailand: new radiocarbon and luminescence dating Antiquity [Conrad, 2021 #37099]
Journal Article 1994 Corvinus, Gudrun Ky nghe Patu o chan Himalaya thuoc Nepal [ The Patu industry from foothills of the Himalaya in Nepal] Khao Co Hoc [Corvinus, 1994 #30892]
Journal Article 1991 Dang Huu Luu, Tu lieu khai quat mai da Dieu nam 1986 [ Excavation at Dieu rockshelter in 1986] Khao Co Hoc [Dang 1991 #31001]
Journal Article 1987 Diep Dinh Hoa, Nhan xet khao co - dan toc hoc ve nguoi Thai qua tu lieu dien da o mien tay Nghe Tinh [ Archaeo-ethniological considerations on the Thai people from field material collected in western Nghe Tinh ] Khao Co Hoc [Diep 1987 #31113]
Journal Article 1982 Doan Duc Thanh, Thuc nghiem che tac riu ngan Hoa Binh [ Experiement on making hoabinhian short axes] Khao Co Hoc [Doan 1982 #31268]
Journal Article 1920 Evans, Ivor H. N. Preliminary report on the exploration of a rock-shelter in the Batu Kurau parish, Perak Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums [Evans, 1920 #31341]
Journal Article 1930 Evans, Ivor H. N. Malayan types of stone implements in India, Burma, and the Andamans Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums [Evans, 1930 #31363]
Journal Article 1939 Evans, Ivor H. N. Notes on two types of stone implements from the Malay Peninsula Man [Evans, 1939 #31655]
Book Section 2008 Forestier, Hubert The Hoabinhian site of Huai Hin (northern Thailand) From <i>Homo erectus</i> to the living traditions [Forestier, 2008 #23693]
Journal Article 2015 Forestier, Hubert The Hoabinhian from Laang Spean Cave in its stratigraphic, chronological, typo-technological and environmental context (Cambodia, Battambang Province) Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [Forestier, 2015 #27881]
Journal Article 2013 Forestier, Hubert The open-air site of Huai Hin (northwestern Thailand): chronological perspectives for the Hoabinhian Comptes Rendus Palevol [Forestier, 2013 #28258]
Journal Article 2007 Forestier, Hubert Les éclats du passé préhistorique de Sumatra : une très longue histoire des techniques Archipel [Forestier, 2007 #28926]
Journal Article 2005 Forestier, Hubert Le site de Tögi Ndrawa, île de Nias, Sumatra nord : les premières traces d’une occupation hoabinhienne en grotte en Indonésie Comptes Rendus Palevol [Forestier, 2005 #28929]
Thesis 2010 Forestier, Hubert La pierre et son ombre : réflexion sur le phénomène hoabinhien d'Asie du Sud-est Ecole doctorale Milieux, cultures et sociétés du passé et du présent (Nanterre) [Forestier, 2010 #36308]
Journal Article 2021 Forestier, Hubert Hoabinhian variability in mainland Southeast Asia revisited: the lithic assemblage of Moh Khiew Cave, southwestern Thailand Archaeological Research in Asia [Forestier, 2021 #36880]
Journal Article 2021 Forestier, Hubert Reduction sequences during the Hoabinhian technocomplex in Cambodia and Thailand: a new knapping strategy in Southeast Asia from the Terminal Upper Pleistocene to mid Holocene Lithic Technology [Forestier, 2021 #37101]
Journal Article 2023 Forestier, Hubert Unifacial shaping on pebbles in Southeast Asia: the Hoabinhian of Cambodia

Le façonnage unifacial sur galet en Asie du Sud-Est: l'Hoabinhien du Cambodge
L'Anthropologie [Forestier, 2023 #37264]
Book Section 2024 Forestier, Hubert Stone tools in Palaeolithic Sumatra, Indonesia: From Homo erectus to the Hoabinhian Quaternary Palaeontology and Archaeology of Sumatra [Forestier, 2024 #37334]
Book Section 2012 Gaillard, Claire Hoabinhian in the Siwaliks of north-western India? Crossing borders: selected papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Gaillard, 2012 #22895]
Book Section 1977 Glover, Ian C. The Hoabinhian: hunter-gatherers or early agriculturalists in Southeast Asia? Hunters, gatherers and first farmers beyond Europe: an archaeological survey [Glover, 1977 #25082]