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Ref ID: 31113
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Diep Dinh Hoa,
Title: Nhan xet khao co - dan toc hoc ve nguoi Thai qua tu lieu dien da o mien tay Nghe Tinh [ Archaeo-ethniological considerations on the Thai people from field material collected in western Nghe Tinh ]
Date: 1987
Source: Khao Co Hoc
Language: Vietnamese
Notes: Diacriticals from original publication not included
Abstract: English summary on page 35 as follows: By various field works the author tries to identify the immigration date of the Thai ethnic into western Nghe Tinh, and to interpret the process of Tha-isation by the Thai people over other ethnics including the Viet one. By archaeological investigations of some caves in the area the substantial presence of men back from the time of hoa Binh culture, even earlier, is shown. From the ancient bronze drums of the Thai people, remarks on this type of relics are put forth.
Date Created: 5/21/2004
Number: 61
Page Start: 25
Page End: 36