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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1995 van der Kaars, W. A. A 135,000-year record of vegetational and climatic change from the Bandung area, West-Java, Indonesia Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [van 1995 #27685]
Book Section 1998 Haryono, Timbul A bimetallic statue of Śiva recently found in Central Java Southeast Asian Archaeology 1996: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Leiden, 2-6 September 1996 [Haryono, 1998 #23531]
Journal Article 2002 Kramer, Andrew A century of Indonesian paleoanthropology, or from Java with love Evolutionary Anthropology [Kramer, 2002 #31850]
Journal Article 1993 Wessing, Robert A change in the forest: myth and history in west Java Journal of Southeast Asian History [Wessing, 1993 #32287]
Book Section in a Series 1998 Keates, Susan G. A discussion of the evidence for early hominids on Java and Flores Bird's Head approaches: Irian Jaya studies - a programme for interdisciplinary research [Keates, 1998 #25897]
Journal Article 1992 Uytterschaut, Hilde T. A morphological study of some old and new Pleistocene discoveries from Java Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Uytterschaut, 1992 #29122]
Journal Article 1991 Sartono, S. A new Homo erectus skull from Ngawi, East Java Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Sartono, 1991 #35573]
Journal Article 1951 Hooijer, Dirk Albert A note on the Plio-Pleistocene boundary in the Siwal'ik series of India and in Java American Journal of Science [Hooijer, 1951 #35178]
Journal Article 2014 Njoto, Hélène À propos des origines de la mosquée javanaise Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Njoto, 2014 #27788]
Thesis-PhD 2005 Weinand, Daniel Charles A reevaluation of the paleoenvironmental reconstructions associated with Homo erectus from Java, Indonesia [Weinand, 2005 #36511]
Journal Article 1991 Allen, Harry A review of the Late Pleistocene/Early recent stone tool assemblages of Java Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Allen, 1991 #35591]
Book Section 1937 Von Koenigswald, Gustav Heinrich Ralph A review of the stratigraphy of Java and its relations to early man Early Man [Von 1937 #25083]
Book Section in a Series 1975 Rişcuţia, Cantemir A study of the Modjokerto infant calvarium Paleoanthropology: morphology and paleoecology [Rişcuţia, 1975 #25960]
Journal Article 2020 Brasseur, Boris A younger "earliest human migration" to Southeast Asia Science [Brasseur, 2020 #19017]
Journal Article 1987 Hutterer, Karl L. Absolute dates for the hominid-bearing deposits in Java: an overview Asian Perspectives (1982-1983) [Hutterer, 1987 #28146]
Journal Article Westaway, K. E. Age and biostratigraphic significance of the Punung rainforest fauna, East Java, Indonesia, and implications for Pongo and Homo [Westaway, #27710]
Journal Article 1994 Swisher, C. C. Age of the earliest known hominids in Java, Indonesia Science [Swisher, 1994 #29366]
Thesis 2015 Ueda, Kaoru An archaeological investigation of hybridization in Bantenese and Dutch colonial encounters: food and foodways in the Sultanate of Banten, Java, 17th to early 19th century [Ueda, 2015 #36269]
Journal Article 2013 Griffiths, Arlo An inscribed bronze scultpture of a Buddha in <i>bhadrāsana</i> at Museum Ranggawarsita in Semarang (Central Java, Indonesia) Arts Asiatiques [Griffiths, 2013 #27978]
Journal Article 2008 Degroot, Véronique Ancient bathing places of Central Java: a survey Aziatische Kunst [Degroot, 2008 #27786]
Book Section 1998 Ferdinandus, Peter Ancient Javanese musical instruments: Origin and development Southeast Asian Archaeology 1994: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archeologists [Ferdinandus, 1998 #23540]
Book Section in a Series 2020 Kasnowihardjo, Gunadi Ancient settlement in the lakes area of East Java Province, Indonesia: the potential for archaeological research with public benefits EurASEAA14: papers from the Fourteenth International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists. Volume 2: material culture and heritage [Kasnowihardjo, 2020 #36760]
Book Section 2007 Arif, Johan Announcement of GLOBM 2006.03: four isolated deciduous teeth from Sangiran, Central Java, Indonesia Recent Advances on Southeast Asian Paleoanthropology and Archaeology: Proceedings International Seminar on Southeast Asian Paleoanthropology [Arif, 2007 #23748]
Conference Proceeding 1968 Anthropology at the Eighth Pacific Science Congress of the Pacific Science Association and the Fourth Far Eastern Pre-history Congress, Quezon City, Philippines, 1953 Eighth Pacific Science Congress of the Pacific Science Association and the Fourth Far Eastern Prehistory Congress, Quezon City, Philippines, 1953 [ 1968 #26565]
Journal Article 2014 Gomperts, Amrit Archaeological identification of the Majapahit Royal Palace: Prapañca's 1365 description projected onto satellite imagery Journal of the Siam Society [Gomperts, 2014 #36673]
Journal Article 2009 Noerwidi, Sofwan Archaeological research at Kendeng Lembu, East Java, Indonesia Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Noerwidi, 2009 #29088]
Journal Article 1989 Dumarçay, Jacques Architectural composition in Java from the eighth to fourteenth centuries Journal of the Siam Society [Dumarçay, 1989 #36711]
Book Section 2013 Klokke, Marijke J. Art historical evidence for the building phases of Borobudur Materializing Southeast Asia's past: selected papers from the 12th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Klokke, 2013 #22804]
Book 1926 Krom, Nicolaas Johannes Art javanais dans les musées de Hollande et de Java Arts Asiatica [Krom, 1926 #19759]
Book Section 1999 Christie, Jan Wisseman Asian sea trade between the tenth and thirteenth centuries and its impact on the states of Java and Bali Archaeology of seafaring: the Indian Ocean in the Ancient Period [Christie, 1999 #23584]