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Ref ID: 19017
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Brasseur, Boris
Title: A younger "earliest human migration" to Southeast Asia
Date: 2020
Source: Science
Abstract: The fossiliferous Sangiran dome in Central Java contains the oldest human remains in Southeast Asia and is thus considered to be one of the most important sites in human paleoanthropology. Researchers have discovered more than 100 hominid remains from at least three different early to middle Pleistocene hominid species (1). Although numerous dating studies have been conducted at this site, the accepted date of earliest hominin migration is controversial. On page 210 of this issue, Matsu'ura et al. (2) describe their combined use of uranium/lead (U/Pb) dating (crystallization age) and fission-track dating (volcano eruption age) on zircons from three key strata in the hominid-bearing layers of Sangiran.
Volume: 367
Number: 6474
Page Start: 147
Page End: 148