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Ref ID: 29122
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Uytterschaut, Hilde T.
Title: A morphological study of some old and new Pleistocene discoveries from Java
Date: 1992
Source: Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association
Abstract: This article reports some of the preliminary results with regard to the morphology of eight hominid mandibles, found in Java. The following mandibles have been studied and compared to each other: S1b (= Mandible B = Pithecanthropus B)
S5 (= holotype P. dubius)
S6 (= Meganthropus A = Mandible D)
S8 (= Meganthropus B)
S9 (= Pithecanthropus C0
S21 (= Pithecanthropus E)
S22 (= Pithecanthropus F)
and Mandible A of Kedung Brubus. Metrical and non-metrical characters were included in the analysis. The preliminary results leads to the conclusion that S1b and S9 are very similar to each other, whereas S5 has more features in common with S6 and S8. Apart from the comparison of these Javanese mandibles with each other, they were also compared with Mandible KNM-BK 8518 found in Baringo (Kenya) in 1982. This mandible, probably belonging to an early Homo erectus or late Homo habilis, shows most similarity with the mandibles S1b and S9, which suggests that these two might also be assigned to early Homo erectus or late Homo habilis.
Date Created: 2/2/2010
Volume: 12
Page Start: 1
Page End: 9