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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1902 Cadière, L. Les pierres de foudre Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Cadière, 1902 #27537]
Journal Article 1914 Orband, Richard Les Tombeaux des Nguyễn Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Orband, 1914 #27263]
Journal Article 1917 Parmentier, Henri Anciens tombeaux au Tonkin Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Parmentier, 1917 #31596]
Journal Article 1918 Parmentier, Henri Le tombeau de Nghi-vê Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Parmentier, 1918 #28986]
Journal Article 1920 Bouillard, G. Les sépultures impériales des Ming (Che-san ling) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Bouillard, 1920 #27218]
Journal Article 1922 Segalen, Victor Le tombeau du fils du roi de Wou (Ve siècle avant notre ère) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Segalen, 1922 #27194]
Journal Article 1929 Roux, C. Les tombeaux chez les Moï Jaraï Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Roux, 1929 #27137]
Journal Article 1937 Colani, Madeleine Nécropole de Sa-huynh (Quang Nai) Cahiers de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Colani, 1937 #29853]
Journal Article 1938 Guthe, C. E. A burial site on the island of Samar, Philippine Islands Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters [Guthe, 1938 #29624]
Book 1956 Casal, Jean-Marie Site urbain et sites funéraires des environs de Pondichéry: Virampatnam, Mouttrapaléon, Souttoukèny [Casal, 1956 #20708]
Journal Article 1962 Sieveking, G. de G. The prehistoric cemetery at Bukit Tengku, Lembu, Perlis Federation Museums Journal, New Series [Sieveking, 1962 #33957]
Journal Article 1970 Dani, Ahmad Hasan Gandhara grave complex in West Pakistan Asian Perspectives (1968) [Dani, 1970 #33412]
Book 1977 Soejono, R. P. Sarkofagus Bali dan nekropolis Gilimanuk [Soejono, 1977 #20171]
Journal Article 1978 The Archaeological Team of Kwangsi Chuang Autonomous Region, 平乐银山岭战国墓 (Excavation of a warring states’ cemetery at Ying-Shan-Ling in P’ing-Lo county, Kwangsi) Kaogu Xuebao [The 1978 #28342]
Book in a Series 1979 Dizon, Eusebio Z. Tigkiw Na Saday: a jar burial site. Final report [Dizon, 1979 #21929]
Journal Article 1981 Gordon, Claire C. Soil pH, bone preservation, and sampling bias at mortuary sites American Antiquity [Gordon, 1981 #34696]
Journal Article 1981 Sangvichien, Sood The study of artifacts and skeletons contained in the two earthen jars at Huay Kha Khaeng Forest, Uthai Thani Province, Thailand Journal of the National Research Council of Thailand [Sangvichien, 1981 #35362]
Journal Article 1984 Grayson, James Huntley Excavations of Late Kaya Period tumuli in Koryong, Korea: Chisan-Dong tombs 32-35 and associated burials Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Grayson, 1984 #29170]
Report 1984 Spriggs, Matthew Field inspection report on previously unrecorded site at mouth of Lawai Valley, Kauai [Spriggs, 1984 #36212]
Journal Article 1987 Wagner, Donald B. The dating of the Chu graves of Changsa Acta Orientalia [Wagner, 1987 #28710]
Journal Article 1988 Kiernan, Kevin Prehistoric occupation and burial sites in the mountains of the Nam Khong area, Mae Hong Son province, northwestern Thailand Australian Archaeology [Kiernan, 1988 #35684]
Journal Article 1989 Hinüber, Oskar Von Two Dhāranī inscriptions from tombs at Dali (Yünnan) Journal of the Siam Society [Hinüber, 1989 #36716]
Journal Article 1990 Duday, Henri L'Anthropologie « de terrain » : reconnaissance et interprétation des gestes funéraires Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris, Nouvelle Série [Duday, 1990 #28375]
Journal Article 1991 Kwok Kian-Chow, Quadrilateral patterning in the tomb of Fu Hao Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Kwok 1991 #29136]
Journal Article 1993 Parke, Aubrey Investigations of Vatanitawake: a ceremonial mound on the island of Bau, Fiji Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Parke, 1993 #29114]
Journal Article 1995 Wood, Moira An archaeological assessment at Don Dong Muang, northeast Thailand Journal of the Siam Society [Wood, 1995 #36690]
Journal Article 1997 Pautreau, Jean-Pierre Thaïande: la fin des temps préhistoriques Archéologie [Pautreau, 1997 #28117]
Book Section 1998 Solheim II, Wilhelm G. The University of Hawaii archaeological programme in eastern Indonesia Southeast Asian Archaeology 1996: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Leiden, 2-6 September 1996 [Solheim 1998 #23521]
Book Section 1998 Lam Thi My Dzung, The Sa Huynh culture in Hoi An Southeast Asian Archaeology 1996: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Leiden, 2-6 September 1996 [Lam 1998 #23529]
Book Section 1998 Leong Sau Heng, Recent research on the granite slab graves of Peninsular Malaysia Southeast Asian Archaeology 1994: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archeologists [Leong 1998 #23570]