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Ref ID: 33412
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Dani, Ahmad Hasan
Title: Gandhara grave complex in West Pakistan
Date: 1970
Source: Asian Perspectives (1968)
Abstract: A preliminary report on the Gandhara grave complex in West Pakistan was published in AP IX (Dani and Durrani 1966). We pointed out that these graves are widespread throughout the Gandhara region, from Bajaur to the Indus. The nomenclature "Gandhara grave complex" does not imply that the graves are only in Gandhara, but simply that in the present state of our exploration, we know the graves are spread throughout this region. With the widening of our exploration, we are likely to find them in the areas east-of the Indus River. With a full season's excavation in 1965 at Timurgarha in Dir State by the University of Peshawar, aided by the Department of Archaeology, Government of Pakistan, and with even longer excavations by the Italians in the neighborhood of Mingora in Swat State, the significance of these graves is becoming clearer. While we are still awaiting the results of radiocarbon tests and the report of a physical anthropologist on the skeletons, we are nevertheless in a position to unfold the picture in a better way than we did last year. The materials fall into three cultural, and possibly chronological, periods.
Date Created: 12/28/2002
Volume: 11
Page Start: 99
Page End: 110