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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2009 Acabado, Stephen A Bayesian approach to dating agricultural terraces: a case from the Philippines Antiquity [Acabado, 2009 #26796]
Journal Article 1973 Aigner, Jean S. The dating of Lantian Man and his significance for analyzing trends in human evolution American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Aigner, 1973 #30015]
Journal Article 1982 Allchin, F. R. How old is the city of Taxila? Antiquity [Allchin, 1982 #30007]
Journal Article 2006 Bacon, Anne-Marie New palaeontological assemblage, sedimentological and chronological data from the Pleistocene Ma U'Oi cave (northern Vietnam) Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Bacon, 2006 #27749]
Book Section 1996 Baker, S. Dating of Neogene igneous rocks in the Halmahera region: arc initiation and development Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia [Baker, 1996 #23114]
Journal Article 1989 Barbetti, Mike Palaeomagnetism and high-resolution dating of ceramic kilns in Thailand: a progress report World Archaeology [Barbetti, 1989 #35320]
Journal Article 1976 Barr, S. M. Paleomagnetism and age of the Lampang basalt (northern Thailand) and the age of underlying pebble tools Journal of the Geological Society of Thailand [Barr, 1976 #35484]
Journal Article 1972 Bayard, Donn T. Early Thai bronze: analysis and new dates Science [Bayard, 1972 #35889]
Journal Article November 2022 Berghuis, H. W. K. The eastern Kendeg Hills (Java, Indonesia) and the hominin-bearing beds of Mojokerto, a re-interpretation. Quaternary Science Reviews [Berghuis, November 2022 #37058]
Journal Article 2004 Bishop, Paul OSL and radiocarbon dating of a pre-Angkorian canal in the Mekong delta, southern Cambodia Journal of Archaeological Science [Bishop, 2004 #31602]
Journal Article 1974 Bloom, A. L. Quaternary sea level fluctuations on a tectonic coast: New \+30\+TH/\+234\+Udates from the Huon Peninsula, New Guinea Quaternary Research [Bloom, 1974 #35256]
Book Section in a Series 2004 Bluszcz, A. OSL dating in archaeology Impact of the environment on human migration in Eurasia [Bluszcz, 2004 #25702]
Journal Article 1956 Boisselier, Jean Arts du Champa et du Cambodge préangkorien. La Date de Mi-so'n E-1 Artibus Asiae [Boisselier, 1956 #28373]
Journal Article 2008 Borell, Brigitte The early Byzantine lamp from Pong Tuk Journal of the Siam Society [Borell, 2008 #36677]
Journal Article 2020 Brasseur, Boris A younger "earliest human migration" to Southeast Asia Science [Brasseur, 2020 #19017]
Book Section 1999 Brown, P. The first modern east Asians? Another look at Upper Cave 101, Liujiang, and Minatogawa 1 Interdisciplinary perspectives on the origins of the Japanese [Brown, 1999 #22381]
Thesis 1973 Brown, Roxanna M. The dating and identification of Southeast Asian ceramics Arts and Social Sciences [Brown, 1973 #36384]
Journal Article 2018 Brumm, Adam A reassessment of the early archaeological record at Leang Burung 2, a late Pleistocene rock-shelter site on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi PLOS One [Brumm, 2018 #26770]
Journal Article 1968 Carbonnel, Jean-Pierre Premières datations absolues de trois gisements néolithiques Cambodgiens Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences: Série D- Sciences naturelles [Carbonnel, 1968 #35891]
Journal Article 2023 Carleton, W. Christopher Bayesian regression versus machine learning for rapid age estimation of archaeological features identified with lidar at Angkor Scientific Reports [Carleton, 2023 #37265]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Clarke, Simon J. Isoleucine epimerization in <i>Casurius</i> eggshells from archaeological sites in the Aru Islands, Liang Lemdubu and Liang Nabulei Lisa The archaeology of the Aru Islands, eastern Indonesia [Clarke, 2007 #25390]
Journal Article 1980 Cleghorn, Paul L. A note on Flake shell implements: an experimental study Asian Perspectives (1977) [Cleghorn, 1980 #33118]
Journal Article 2020 Conrad, Cyler New radiocarbon dates from prehistoric Non Nok Tha, Don Kok Pho and Don Pa Daeng, upper Nam Phong watershed, Khon Kaen Province, northeast Thailand Archaeological Research in Asia [Conrad, 2020 #36844]
Journal Article 2018 Curnoe, Darren Rare Late Pleistocene-early Holocene human mandibles from the Niah Caves (Sarawak, Borneo) PLOS One [Curnoe, 2018 #26728]
Journal Article 1985 Dadao, Wang A reconsideration of the Wanjiaba tombs in the light of dating and periodization Bulletin of the Ancient Orient Museum [Dadao, 1985 #35189]
Book Section 1998 Dalsheimer, Nadine Un affinement chronologique des statues est-il possible par l'étude du modèle? L'exemple d'une divinité féminine du Bakhèng Southeast Asian Archaeology 1994: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archeologists [Dalsheimer, 1998 #23545]
Journal Article 1951 Damais, L. C. Études d'épigraphie indonésienne - I. Méthode de réduction des dates javanaises en dates européennes et II. La date des inscriptions en ère de Sanjaya Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Damais, 1951 #32178]
Journal Article 1955 Damais, L.-C. Études d'epigraphie indonésienne - IV. Discussion de la date des inscriptions Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Damais, 1955 #32163]
Journal Article 1963 Damais, Louis-Charles Études balinaises: VII. Quelques nouvelles dates de manuscrits balinais Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Damais, 1963 #26875]
Journal Article 1952 Damais, Louis-Charles Études d'épigraphie indonésienne - III. Liste des principales inscriptions datées de l'Indonésie Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Damais, 1952 #26885]