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Ref ID: 33118
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Cleghorn, Paul L.
Title: A note on Flake shell implements: an experimental study
Date: 1980
Source: Asian Perspectives (1977)
Abstract: Solheim (1796: 37-39) has suggested the existence of a Shell Tradition in the southeast portion of the Philippine archipelago, consisting of flaked and ground shell implements. One of the sites belonging to this tradition is the Talikod Rockshelter, which was test-excavated by Solheim in 1972 and later more intensively investigated by Legaspi, with no report yet forthcoming (Solheim, personal communication). One shell sample from the test excavations was run twice for two radiocarbon dates of 3950 ± 90 B.P. and 4170 ± 90 B.P. (SUA-258)(Solheim 1976: 37). In the fall of 1976, the author examined a small sample of the midden material from the Talikod Rockshelter. The intent was to separate our flaked shell implements, analyze them in terms of morphological attributes, and then to attempt to replicate these implements by experimental means. This paper presents the findings of this work.
Date Created: 12/28/2002
Volume: 20
Number: 2
Page Start: 241
Page End: 245