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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book in a Series 1988 Oka, Hiko-Ichi Origin of cultivated rice [Oka, 1988 #21950]
Book (Edited) 2010 Sharma, S. D. Rice: origin, antiquity and history [Sharma, 2010 #21420]
Journal Article 1999 Yuan Jiarong, Origins of pottery and rice cultivation in China YRCP (Newsletter of the Grant-in-aid Program for COE Research Foundation of the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, and Culture in Japan) [Yuan 1999 #33849]
Journal Article 2009 Fuller, Dorian Q. Water management and labour in the origins and dispersal of Asian rice World Archaeology [Fuller, 2009 #28640]
Journal Article 2007 Kovach, Michael J. New insights into the history of rice domestication TRENDS in Genetics [Kovach, 2007 #29645]
Journal Article 1970 Akihama, T. Geographic distribution and ecotypic differentiation of wild rice in Thailand Tonan Ajia Kenkyu [Akihama, 1970 #34071]
Journal Article 2007 Rakshit, Sujay Large-scale DNA polymorphism study of <i>Oryza sativa</i> and <i>O. rufipogon</i> reveals the origin and divergence of Asian rice Theoretical and Applied Genetics [Rakshit, 2007 #28620]
Book Section 2022 Higham, Charles F. W. The Neolithic of Mainland Southeast Asia The Oxford Handbook of Early Southeast Asia [Higham, 2022 #37028]
Book Section 2002 Zhang Wenxu, The bi-peak-tubercle of rice, the character of ancient rice and the origin of cultivated rice The origins of pottery and agriculture [Zhang 2002 #24435]
Book Section 2002 Zhang Chi, Early pottery and rice phytolith remains from Xianrendong and Diaotonghuan sites, Wannian, Jiangxi province The origins of pottery and agriculture [Zhang 2002 #24434]
Book Section 2002 Toyama, Shuichi The origin and spread of rice cultivation as seen from rice remains The origins of pottery and agriculture [Toyama, 2002 #24431]
Book Section 2021 Fuller, Dorian The origins and spread of cereal agriculture in Mainland Southeast Asia The Languages and Linguistics of Mainland Southeast Asia [Fuller, 2021 #37205]
Book Section in a Series 1978 Watabe, Tadayo The development of rice cultivation Thailand: a rice-growing society [Watabe, 1978 #26301]
Book Section 1997 Thompson, Gillian B. Archaeobotanical indicators of rice domestication - a critical evaluation of criteria Southeast Asian Archaeology 1992: Proceedings of the 4th Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Thompson, 1997 #24844]
Book Section 1979 Glover, Ian C. Prehistoric plant remains from Southeast Asia, with special reference to rice South Asian Archaeology 1977. Papers from the Fourth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, Held in the Istituto Universitario Orientale, Naples [Glover, 1979 #25090]
Journal Article 2017 Barron, Aleese MicroCT reveals domesticated rice (Oryza sativa) within pottery sherds from early Neolithic sites (4150–3265 cal BP) in Southeast Asia Scientific Reports [Barron, 2017 #27036]
Journal Article 2016 Zheng, Yunfei Rice domestication revealed by reduced shattering of archaeological rice from the lower Yangtze valley Scientific Reports [Zheng, 2016 #26982]
Journal Article 1978 Chatterjee, P. G. On the origin of rice in India: some remarks Science and Culture [Chatterjee, 1978 #29892]
Journal Article 1997 Normile, Dennis Yangtze seen as earliest rice site Science [Normile, 1997 #35170]
Journal Article 2009 Fuller, Dorian Q. The domestication process and domestication rate in rice: spikelet bases from the lower Yangtze Science [Fuller, 2009 #28639]
Journal Article 1996 Beavitt, Paul Confirmation of an early date for the presence of rice in Borneo Sarawak Museum Journal [Beavitt, 1996 #31403]
Book Section 2010 Sharma, S. D. Domestication and diaspora of rice Rice: origin, antiquity and history [Sharma, 2010 #23232]
Book Section 2010 Tang, Shengxiang Domestication of rice in China and its cultural heritage Rice: origin, antiquity and history [Tang, 2010 #23229]
Book Section in a Series 1986 Sørensen, Per On the problem of early rice in Southeast Asia Rice societies: Asian problems and prospects [Sørensen, 1986 #26330]
Book Section 1975 Oka, Hiko-Ichi The origin of cultivated rice and its adaptive evolution Rice in Asia [Oka, 1975 #25095]
Journal Article 2011 Castillo, Cristina Rice in Thailand: the archaeobotanical contribution Rice [Castillo, 2011 #28452]
Journal Article 2011 Fiskejö, Magnus Preface: "Rice and Language across Asia" Rice [Fiskejö, 2011 #28432]
Journal Article 2011 Fuller, Dorian Q. Pathways to Asian civilizations: tracing the origins and spread of rice and rice cultures Rice [Fuller, 2011 #28431]
Journal Article 2011 Bellwood, Peter The checkered prehistory of rice movement southwards as a domesticated cereal- from the Yangzi to the equator Rice [Bellwood, 2011 #28430]
Journal Article 2011 Sagart, Laurent How many independent rice vocabularies in Asia? Rice [Sagart, 2011 #28428]