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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article December 2022 Newman, Kim The missing deposits of South Sulawesi: New sources of evidence for the Pleistocene/Holocene archaeological transition Archaeological Research in Asia [Newman, December 2022 #37053]
Book Section 2024 Drawhorn, Gerrell M. Dubois and beyond: The historical background of cave exploration in Sumatra Quaternary Palaeontology and Archaeology of Sumatra [Drawhorn, 2024 #37328]
Book Section 2024 Albers, Paul C. H. An expedition in colonial times:
Some notes regarding Dubois’
fieldwork in Sumatra
Quaternary Palaeontology and Archaeology of Sumatra [Albers, 2024 #37327]
Book Section 2024 Albers, Paul C. H. Eugène Dubois’ work in Sumatra Quaternary Palaeontology and Archaeology of Sumatra [Albers, 2024 #37326]
Journal Article 2022 Wu, Yun High-precision U-series dating of the late Pleistocene – early Holocene rock paintings at Tiger Leaping Gorge, Jinsha River valley, southwestern China Journal of Archaeological Science [Wu, 2022 #37098]
Journal Article 2022 Louys, Julien Speleological and environmental history of Lida Ajer cave, western Sumatra Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B [Louys, 2022 #37080]
Journal Article 2022 Ochoa, Janine Tropical island adaptations in Southeast Asia during the Last Glacial Maximum: evidence from Palawan Antiquity [Ochoa, 2022 #37057]
Journal Article 2022 Demeter, Fabrice A Middle Pleistocene Denisovan molar from the Annamite Chain of northern Laos Nature Communications [Demeter, 2022 #37009]
Thesis-PhD 2022 McAdams, Conor New insights into the Pleistocene archaeology of North Vietnam: understanding tropical cave sediments through microstratigraphic investigations and geo-ethnoarchaeological experiments [McAdams, 2022 #37004]
Journal Article 2021 Suraprasit, Kantapon Taxonomic reassessment of large mammals from the Pleistocene Homo-bearing site of Tham Wiman Nakin (Northeast Thailand): relevance for faunal patterns in mainland Southeast Asia Quaternary International [Suraprasit, 2021 #37107]
Journal Article 2021 Conrad, Cyler Re-evaluating Pleistocene–Holocene occupation of cave sites in north-west Thailand: new radiocarbon and luminescence dating Antiquity [Conrad, 2021 #37099]
Journal Article 2020 Kaharudin, Hendri A. F. A review of archaeological dating efforts at cave and rockshelter sites in the Indonesian Archipelago Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology [Kaharudin, 2020 #36894]
Journal Article 2020 Tian, Chun Human behavioral responses to the 8.2 ka BP climatic event: archaeological evidence from the Zhongshandong cave site in Bubing Basin, Guangxi, southern China Quaternary International [Tian, 2020 #36862]
Journal Article 2019 Yin, Jian-Jun Rainfall variability and vegetation recovery in rocky desertification areas recorded in recently-deposited stalagmites from Guilin, South China Quaternary International [Yin, 2019 #26688]
Journal Article 2019 Curnoe, Darren Femur associated with the Deep Skull from the West Mouth of the Niah Caves (Sarawak, Malaysia) Journal of Human Evolution [Curnoe, 2019 #26633]
Journal Article 2019 Aubert, Maxime Earliest hunting scene in prehistoric art Nature [Aubert, 2019 #19009]
Journal Article 2019 Li, Yinghua Luobi Cave, South China: a comparative perspective on a novel cobble-tool industry associated with bone-tool technology during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition Journal of World Prehistory [Li, 2019 #18959]
Journal Article 2019 McAdams, Conor The Pleistocene geoarchaeology and geochronology of Con Moong Cave, North Vietnam: site formation processes and hominin activity in the humid tropics Geoarchaeology [McAdams, 2019 #18917]
Journal Article 2018 Carson, Mike T. Cultural spaces inside and outside caves: a study in Guam, western Micronesia Antiquity [Carson, 2018 #26732]
Journal Article 2018 Aubert, M. Palaeolithic cave art in Borneo Nature [Aubert, 2018 #26702]
Journal Article 2018 Goh, Hsiao Mei The prehistoric human presence in Gua Kajang: ancient lifeways in the Malay Peninsula Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Goh, 2018 #26665]
Book Section in a Series 2018 Hayes, Susan Cave art, art and geometric morphometrics: shape changes and the babirusa of Sulawesi The Archaeology of Sulawesi [Hayes, 2018 #25326]
Book Section in a Series 2018 Hakim, Budianto Black drawings at the cave site of Gua Pondoa, Southeast Sulawesi: the motifs and a comparison with pigment art elsewhere in Sulawesi and the broader Western Pacific region The Archaeology of Sulawesi [Hakim, 2018 #25324]
Journal Article 2017 Stephens, M. Post-depositional alteration of humid tropical cave sediments: micromorphological research in the Great Cave of Niah, Sarawak, Borneo Journal of Archaeological Science [Stephens, 2017 #27621]
Journal Article 2017 Mijares, Armand Salvador Understanding the Callao Cave depositional history Terra Australis [Mijares, 2017 #27380]
Journal Article 2017 Wang, Yuan The early Pleistocene <i>Gigantopithecus-Sinomastodon</i> fauna from Juyuan karst cave in Boyue Mountain, Guangxi, South China Quaternary International [Wang, 2017 #27366]
Journal Article 2017 Pang, Libo Palaeoenvironmental and chronological analysis of the mammalian fauna from Migong Cave in the Three Gorges Area, China Quaternary International [Pang, 2017 #27364]
Journal Article 2017 Shao, Qingfeng U-series and ESR/U-series dating of the <i>Stegodon-Ailuropoda</i> fauna at Black Cave, Guangxi, southern China with implications for the timing of the extinction of <i>Gigantopithecus blacki</i> Quaternary International [Shao, 2017 #27360]
Journal Article 2017 Cai, Yanjun The age of human remains and associated fauna from Zhiren Cave in Guangxi, southern China Quaternary International [Cai, 2017 #27358]
Journal Article 2017 Tu, Hua U-series dating of hominin fossil-bearing Panlong Cave in Guangdong Province, southern China Quaternary International [Tu, 2017 #27357]