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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1992 Miksic, John N. Compositional analysis of pottery from Kota China, north Sumatra: implications for regional trade during the twelfth to fourteenth centuries A.D Asian Perspectives (1992) [Miksic, 1992 #32933]
Book 1993 Niessen, Sandra A. Batak cloth and clothing: a dynamic Indonesian tradition Asia Collection [Niessen, 1993 #19937]
Journal Article 1993 Hutchison, Charles S. Gondwana and Cathaysian blocks, Palaeotethys sutures and cenozoic tectonics in South-east Asia Geologische Rundschau [Hutchison, 1993 #28416]
Journal Article 1995 Maloney, Bernard K. A 30,000-year pollen and radiocarbon record from highland Sumatra as evidence for climatic change Radiocarbon [Maloney, 1995 #31239]
Book 1996 Maloney, Bernard K. New perspectives on possible early dry land and wet land rice cultivation in highland North Sumatra University of Hull, Centre for South-East Asian Studies Occasional Paper [Maloney, 1996 #19924]
Book Section 1996 Samuel, M. A. The Mentawai fault zone and deformation of the Sumatran Forearc in the Nias area Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia [Samuel, 1996 #23123]
Book Section 1996 McCourt, W. J. Mesozoic and Cenozoic plutonic evolution of SE Asia: evidence from Sumatra, Indonesia Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia [McCourt, 1996 #23124]
Book Section 1996 Malod, J. A. The Sumatra margin: oblique subduction and lateral displacement of the accretionary prism Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia [Malod, 1996 #23142]
Journal Article 1996 Maloney, Bernard K. Possible early dry-land and wet-land rice cultivation in highland north Sumatra Asian Perspectives (1996) [Maloney, 1996 #32820]
Journal Article 1996 Maloney, Bernard K. Palaeoenvironments of North Sumatra: a 30,000 year old pollen record from Pea Bullok Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Maloney, 1996 #35535]
Journal Article 1997 Caldwell, Ian A rock carving and a newly discovered stone burial chamber at Pasemah, Sumatra Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde [Caldwell, 1997 #29913]
Book (Edited) 1998 Guillot, C. Histoire de Barus, Sumatra: le site de Lobu Tua [Guillot, 1998 #21488]
Book Section 1998 Perret, Daniel Les poteries proche-orientales engobées à décor incisé et jaspé de Lobu Tua. Étude préliminaire Histoire de Barus, Sumatra: le site de Lobu Tua [Perret, 1998 #23442]
Book Section 1998 Sri Utami Ferdinandus, Archaeological sites in Pugung Raharjo, Province of Lampung, Sumatra Southeast Asian Archaeology 1994: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archeologists [Sri 1998 #23550]
Book Section 1998 Soeroso South Sumatra in the 12th-13th century A.D. Southeast Asian Archaeology 1994: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archeologists [Soeroso 1998 #23551]
Book Section 1998 Koestoro, Lucas P. An ancient site reascertained: the 1994 campaigns at Kota Kapur (Bangka, South Sumatra) Southeast Asian Archaeology 1994: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archeologists [Koestoro, 1998 #23552]
Book Section 1998 Junus Satrio Atmodjo, Sitihawa: A brief note on a newly discovered site on the East coast of Jambi Southeast Asian Archaeology 1994: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archeologists [Junus 1998 #23553]
Book Section 1998 Guillot, C. La verre à Lobu Tua. Étude préliminaire Histoire de Barus, Sumatra: le site de Lobu Tua [Guillot, 1998 #23784]
Journal Article 2001 Flenley, John R. Evidence for continued disturbance of upland rain forest in Sumatra for the last 7000 years of an 11,000 year record Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Flenley, 2001 #34179]
Journal Article 2002 Gathorne-Hardy, F. J. Quaternary rainforest refugia in south-east Asia: using termites (Isoptera) as indicators Biological Journal of the Linnean Society [Gathorne-Hardy, 2002 #28504]
Book Section 2003 Sakai, Minako Publicizing rituals and privatizing meanings: negotiating an identity of the Gumai in Sumatra Founders' cults in Southeast Asia: ancestors, polity, and identity [Sakai, 2003 #23238]
Journal Article 2004 Miksic, John From megaliths to tombstones: the transition from prehistory to the early Islamic period in highland West Sumatra Indonesia and the Malay World [Miksic, 2004 #30485]
Journal Article 2005 Forestier, Hubert Le site de Tögi Ndrawa, île de Nias, Sumatra nord : les premières traces d’une occupation hoabinhienne en grotte en Indonésie Comptes Rendus Palevol [Forestier, 2005 #28929]
Journal Article 2005 Forestier, H. Gens des karsts au Néolithique à Sumatra Dossiers d'Archéologie [Forestier, 2005 #30473]
Journal Article 2005 Forestier, H. Sumatra, anthropologie, espace et temps Dossiers d'Archéologie [Forestier, 2005 #30474]
Journal Article 2005 Forestier, H. Les premiers indices d'un faciès acheuléen à Sumatra Sud Dossiers d'Archéologie [Forestier, 2005 #30480]
Book Section 2006 McKinnon, E. Edwards Mediaeval landfall sites in Aceh, North Sumatra Uncovering Southeast Asia's past: selected papers from the 10th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [McKinnon, 2006 #24042]
Book Section 2006 Bonatz, Dominik Kerinci - archaeological research in the highlands of Jambi on Sumatra Uncovering Southeast Asia's past: selected papers from the 10th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Bonatz, 2006 #24043]
Book Section 2007 Davis, Carol Food, fertility and kinship in Minangkabau Kinship and food in South East Asia [Davis, 2007 #22587]
Journal Article 2007 Forestier, Hubert Les éclats du passé préhistorique de Sumatra : une très longue histoire des techniques Archipel [Forestier, 2007 #28926]