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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1969 Hui-Lin Li, The vegetables of ancient China Economic Botany [Hui-Lin 1969 #29377]
Book Section in a Series 2004 Strydonck, M. Van Possibilites and limitations of the use of stable isotopes (δ<sup>13</sup>C and δ<sup>15</sup>N) from human bone collagen and carbonate as an aid in migration studies Impact of the environment on human migration in Eurasia [Strydonck, 2004 #25703]
Book 1977 Chang, Kwang-chih Food in Chinese culture: anthropological and historical perspectives [Chang, 1977 #20696]
Book 1988 Anderson, Eugene N. The food of China [Anderson, 1988 #20777]
Journal Article 2006 Bower, Nathan W. Preliminary reconstruction of diet at a neolithic site in Vietnam using stable isotope and Ba/Sr analyses Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Bower, 2006 #30035]
Journal Article 1997 Dufour, Darna L. Nutrition, activity, and health in children Annual Review of Anthropology [Dufour, 1997 #30142]
Journal Article 1996 Kuhnlein, Harriet V. Dietary change and traditional food systems of indigenous peoples Annual Review of Nutrition [Kuhnlein, 1996 #30112]
Journal Article 2002 Oxenham, Marc F. Oral health in northen Viêt Nam: neolithic through metal periods Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Oxenham, 2002 #30085]
Journal Article 2003 Vanderklift, Mathew A. Sources of variation in consumer-diet d15N enrichment: a meta-analysis Oecologia [Vanderklift, 2003 #30061]
Journal Article 1971 Thurnham, D. I. Angular stomatitis and biochemical ariboflavinosis in village pre-school children in northeast Thailand Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health [Thurnham, 1971 #30248]
Journal Article 1972 Thurnham, D. I. The effect of riboflavin supplementation on the urinary hydroxyproline: creatinine index in a resettlement village in rural Thailand British Journal of Nutrition [Thurnham, 1972 #30247]
Journal Article 1972 Thurnham, D. I. Riboflavin supplementation in a resettlement village in north-east Thailand British Journal of Nutrition [Thurnham, 1972 #30246]
Journal Article 1965 Ramilla, Elisa M. Highlights of the dietary survey in Sapang Palay Philippine Journal of Nutrition [Ramilla, 1965 #30245]
Journal Article 1955 Said, M. Kwashiorkor in Negri Sembilan Medical Journal of Malaya [Said, 1955 #30253]
Thesis-MA 1956 Sudsaneh, Saovanee A study of food consumption and nutrient intakes in relation to physical findings for eleven selected Thai families, Bang Chan [Sudsaneh, 1956 #36451]
Thesis-MA 1958 Smith, Barbara Joan Observations on growth in height and weight and on feeding practices of infants and young children in Bang Chan, Thailand, 1952-1954 [Smith, 1958 #36452]
Journal Article 1973 Schlegel, Stuart A. Diet and the Tiruray shift from swidden to plow farming Ecology of Food and Nutrition [Schlegel, 1973 #30312]
Book 1953 Jensen, Lloyd Bryan Man's foods, nutrition and environments in food gathering times and food producing times [Jensen, 1953 #20822]
Journal Article 1966 Oñate, B. T. Variability studies of data from household food consumption surveys Philippine Agriculturist [Oñate, 1966 #30384]
Journal Article 1959 Medway, Lord Food bone in Niah cave excavations, (1958), a preliminary report Sarawak Museum Journal [Medway, 1959 #30382]
Conference Paper 1962 Polunin, Ivan The effects of shifting agriculture on human health and disease Symposium on the Impact of Man on Humid Tropics Vegetation, Goroka, Territory of Papua and New Guinea, September, 1960 [Polunin, 1962 #26454]
Book Section in a Series 1960 McArthur, Margaret Food consumption and dietary levels of groups of aborigines living on naturally occurring foods Anthropology and nutrition [McArthur, 1960 #25962]
Journal Article 1978 Wilson, Christine S. Contributions of nutrition science to anthropological research Federation Proceedings [Wilson, 1978 #30589]
Journal Article 2000 Nguyen Xuan Hien, Sticky rice and the Vietnamese: a study of three typical delicacies Moussons [Nguyen 2000 #31428]
Journal Article 2001 Strigler, Florence Pratiques alimentaires et situation nutritionnelle au Laos Moussons [Strigler, 2001 #31416]
Journal Article 1997 Hoklai, Hat Material culture - Melanau traditional food Sarawak Museum Journal [Hoklai, 1997 #31402]
Journal Article 2002 Wu, Liu The diet of the Yuanmou hominoid, Yunnan Province, China: an analysis from tooth size and morphology Anthropological Science [Wu, 2002 #31978]
Book in a Series 1958 Hanks, Jane R. Food habits and nutrient intakes in a Siamese rice village [Hanks, 1958 #21875]
Journal Article 2002 Nagaoka, Lisa The effects of resource depression on foraging efficiency, diet breadth, and patch use in southern New Zealand Journal of Anthropological Archaeology [Nagaoka, 2002 #32513]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1996 Walker, Marilyn Contemporary perspectives on Thai foodways [Walker, 1996 #22096]