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Ref ID: 30384
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Oñate, B. T.
Quiogue, E. S.
Title: Variability studies of data from household food consumption surveys
Date: 1966
Source: Philippine Agriculturist
Abstract: Precise estimates of per capita consumption can be derived from subsamples of national household surveys. These estimates may be used to check other sources of data in the preparation of national demand for food. Experiences in the Philippines indicated that the levels of consumption obtained by the weighing and the 24 hour recall methods were similar. The use of the latter technique will result in higher efficiency and more economy. However, a quality control check must be instituted into the sampling device. Ratio estimates with number of members in household will result in considerable gain in statistical precision for the estimation of totals. These results must consider the new design of the Bureau of Census and Statistics Survey of Households (BCSSH) which envisions estimates at the provincial level.
Date Created: 1/23/2006
Volume: 50
Number: 4
Page Start: 364
Page End: 389