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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1909 Peri, Nöel Le monastère de la Kouan-yin qui ne veut pas s'en aller Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Peri, 1909 #27325]
Journal Article 1909 Peri, Nöel Études sur le drame lyrique japonais (nô) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Peri, 1909 #27341]
Journal Article 2017 Ken-ichi Shinoda, Ancient DNA of palaeolithic Ryuku islanders Terra Australis [Ken-ichi 2017 #27384]
Journal Article 2017 Hudson, Mark J. The Ryukyu Islands and the northern frontier of prehistoric Austronesian settlement Terra Australis [Hudson, 2017 #27377]
Journal Article 1905 Berthelot, Philippe Notes sur les résultats scientifiques d'une mission diplomatique en Chine Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Berthelot, 1905 #27444]
Journal Article 1904 Maître, M. Cl. E. La littérature historique du Japon des origines aux Ashikaga (suite) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Maître, 1904 #27478]
Journal Article 1903 Maître, M. Cl. E. La littérature historique du Japon, des origines aux Ashikaga Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Maître, 1903 #27501]
Journal Article 1902 Pelliot, M. Paul Notes de bibliographie chioise Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Pelliot, 1902 #27534]
Journal Article 1902 Maître, M. Cl. E. Notes de bibliographie japonaise Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Maître, 1902 #27531]
Journal Article 1992 Oda, S. The origin and early development of axe-like and edge-ground stone tools in the Japanese palaeolithic Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Oda, 1992 #27714]
Book Section 1999 Brown, P. The first modern east Asians? Another look at Upper Cave 101, Liujiang, and Minatogawa 1 Interdisciplinary perspectives on the origins of the Japanese [Brown, 1999 #22381]
Journal Article 2011 Adachi, Noboru Mitochondrial DNA analysis of Hokkaido Jomon skeletons: remnants of archaic maternal lineages at the southwestern edge of former Beringia American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Adachi, 2011 #27724]
Book Section 2015 Eiji Izawa, Iron lumps formed from the ancient copper smelting: an example from Naganobori, Japan Metals and civilizations [Eiji 2015 #22404]
Book Section 2015 Kazuhiro Nagata, Mass and heat balance of pig iron making by Tatara Metals and civilizations [Kazuhiro 2015 #22403]
Journal Article 2013 Minami, M. Ultrafiltration pretreatment for <sup>14</sup>C dating of fossil bones from archaeological sites in Japan Radiocarbon [Minami, 2013 #27760]
Book Section 1926 Brown, J. McMillan The relationship of the Polynesians and their language to Japan Proceedings of the third Pan-Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo, October 30th-November 11th, 1926 [Brown, 1926 #22535]
Journal Article 2015 Dixon, Boyd Review of <i>Ancient Ryūkyū: An Archaeological Study of Island Communities</i> Asian Perspectives (2014) [Dixon, 2015 #27925]
Book 1986 Rouse, Irving Migrations in prehistory: inferring population movement from cultural remains [Rouse, 1986 #19980]
Journal Article 1960 Chosuke Serizawa, The oldest archaeological materials from Japan Asian Perspectives (1958) [Chosuke 1960 #28026]
Journal Article 1991 Morimura, Kenichi Ceramics of South East Asia found in Kinai area and its vicinity: adoption of trade ceramics when new governments were established Trade Ceramics Studies [Morimura, 1991 #28067]
Journal Article 2014 Katsuhiko Oga, Ancient Japan and the Indian Ocean interaction sphere: chemical compositions, chronologies, provenances and trade routes of imported glass beads in the Yayoi-Kofun periods (3rd century BCE-7th century CE) Journal of Indian Ocean Archaeology [Katsuhiko 2014 #28100]
Book Section 2013 Pietrusewsky, M. Biological connections across the Sea of Japan: a multivariate comparison of ancient and more modern crania from Japan, China, Korea, and Southeast Asia Bioarchaeology of East Asia: movement, contact, health [Pietrusewsky, 2013 #22701]
Journal Article 2007 Seyock, Barbara Trade ceramics from the Gotō Islands (Japan), circa sixteenth to early seventeenth century: the Yamami underwater site (Ojika) and related issues Asian Perspectives (2007) [Seyock, 2007 #28159]
Journal Article 2007 Rhee, Song-Nai Korean contributions to agriculture, technology, and state formation in Japan: archaeology and history of an epochal thousand years, 400 B.C.-A.D. 600 Asian Perspectives (2007) [Rhee, 2007 #28158]
Book Section 1995 Brill, Robert H. Chemical analyses of some Asian glasses Proceeding of the XVIIth International Congress on Glass [Brill, 1995 #22742]
Journal Article 2013 Dixon, Boyd The archaeology of World War II Japanese stragglers on the island of Guam and the Bushido code Asian Perspectives (2012) [Dixon, 2013 #28243]
Journal Article 2012 Dugtong-Yap, Cherry Amor Illicit flirtations: labor, migration, and sex trafficking in Tokyo Southeast Asian Studies [Dugtong-Yap, 2012 #28266]
Book 2011 Parreñas, Rhacel Salazar Illicit flirtations: labor, migration, and sex trafficking in Tokyo [Parreñas, 2011 #20028]
Book in a Series 2013 Richey, Jeffery L. Confucius in East Asia: Confucianism's history in China, Korea, Japan, Viet Nam [Richey, 2013 #21681]
Journal Article 2012 Dikshit, K. N. The earliest pottery in East Asia: a review Puratattva [Dikshit, 2012 #28350]