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Ref ID: 22535
Ref Type: Book Section
Authors: Brown, J. McMillan
Title: The relationship of the Polynesians and their language to Japan
Date: 1926
Source: Proceedings of the third Pan-Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo, October 30th-November 11th, 1926
Place of Publication: Tokyo, Japan
Publisher: National Research Council of Japan
Abstract: The Aino Language has the first three numerals the same as Indo-European (<i>Sh-i-ne</i>, tu and <i>re</i>)
must have left the Indo-European home long before Sanskrit. So Polynesian has only the first three Indo-European numerals (hi or i, rua and toru). They are both <i>Kentum</i> Languages which belong to Western Europe and are not Sato language like all those Indo-European languages east of a line between Baltic and Black sea (except Tocharish). The Polynesians left when they could not count beyond two (the plural of the first and second pronounces having three (tou) as the inflection). The Polynesians are the tallest race (5 ft 8 on average) in the world
and over the mountains of Honshu a race of that height has crossed with the Japanese. The Aino (only 5 ft 41/2) must have come after them and drive part of them south. The Polynesian household has never made pottery and therefore reached the Pacific in the old stone age. It is probable that the Aino were in the same stage, though they afterwards learned pottery from more advanced people.
Date Created: 6/15/2015
Editors: Gakujutsu Kenkyū Kaigi,
Page Start: 2354
Page End: 2354