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Ref ID: 36679
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Talbot, Sarah
Title: Before Angkor: early historic communities in northeast Thailand
Date: 2003
Source: Journal of the Siam Society
Abstract: This paper outlines the epigraphic and archaeological evidence for the Early Historic communities of Northeast Thailand immediately before 802 AD, the traditional date for the beginning of Angkor. The Early Historic period (c. 500-800 AD) followed the pre-literate Iron Age (c.500 BC - 500 AD) and is usually described in terms of two poles of influence, the ostensibly independent states of Khmer-Hindu Chenla to the south and Mon-Buddhist Dvaravati to the west (Quaritch Wales 1969; Vallibhotama 1976; Groslier 1980; Jacques 1989; Brown 1996, 39). Yet these terms are increasingly problematic and any cultural and political distinction between Mon and Khmer in the Northeast is probably not justified until at least 1000 AD (Keyes 1974, 504; Siribhadra et al. 1997, 25). While the Early Historic communities of the Northeast remain little-known and little-understood there is significant evidence that they shared pan-regional traits, used elements also seen in Khmer and Dvaravati artistic styles, but also had unique characteristics which can still be seen in the epigraphic and archaeological traces that they left behind.
Volume: 91
Page Start: 74
Page End: 89