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Ref ID: 34690
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Grupe, Giseka
Dorner, K.
Title: Trace elements in excavated human hair
Date: 1989
Source: Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Anthropologie
Abstract: Concentrations of the elements Ca, Sr, Mg, Zn and Cu were determined in excavated hair specimens and adherent, most probably soil remains from two sites in Germany. Though soil contamination obviously has occurred the two groups could be distinguished by differential trace element contents in the hair samples. The trace element concentrations might be interpreted in terms of nutritional intake, the results being corroborated by preceding bone analyses and the different local and social settings. Hair decomposition is discussed.
Date Created: 7/5/2001
Volume: 77
Number: 3
Page Start: 297
Page End: 308