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Ref ID: 34353
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Liden, Kerstin
Takahashi, Cheryl
Nelson, D. Erle
Title: The effects of lipids in stable carbon isotope analysis and the effects of NaOH treatment on the composition of extracted bone collagen
Date: 1995
Source: Journal of Archaeological Science
Abstract: Two different collagen extraction methods were tested to compare their eVects on the amino acid composition and lipid content of the sample. Lipids were extracted from modern and archaeological bones at diVerent steps in each of these collagen extraction procedures. A comparison was then made between the delta13C values of the lipid material and the lipid- and non-lipid-extracted collagen. The effect of NaOH treatment on the lipid content, the amino acid composition and carbon isotope analysis of bone collagen were also examined. It was concluded that NaOH is not sufficient to remove lipids from samples prior to carbon isotope analysis, so some other extraction procedure is required. Further, diVerent collagen extraction protocols do result in varying amino acid composition of the end product, but this does not necessarily aVect the overall delta13C.
Date Created: 8/10/2001
Volume: 22
Number: 2
Page Start: 321
Page End: 326