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Ref ID: 33647
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Somnasang, Prapimporn
Moreno-Black, Geraldine
Title: Knowing, gathering and eating: knowledge and attitudes about wild food in an Isan village in northeastern Thailand
Date: 2000
Source: Journal of Ethnobiology
Abstract: In societies undergoing economic and social transfromation, the level of knowledge about local resources, and attitudes toward them, can be affected by a variety of factors including cultural identity, identification with local traditions, cultural transformations, economic status, education level, age and gender. To address the topic of what factors affect traditional wild plant used and knowledge in Northeastern Tahiland we interviewed and tested male and female villages in different age categories. Our results suggest knowledge about wild food is being lost within the community despite retention of the taste for these items and desire to retain them in diet.
Date Created: 11/20/2002
Volume: 20
Number: 2
Page Start: 197
Page End: 216