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Ref ID: 33536
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Green, Roger
Title: The application of matrix index systems to archaeological materials
Date: 1962
Source: Asian Perspectives (1961)
Notes: Introduction: Data-processing and information retrieval systems are now familiar to the world of business and of science. They are being used more and more, but not in even manner. Many disciplines still fail to take advantage of them, not because these systems are unable to handle the relevant materials, but simply because it requires of the scientist a re-orientation in his existing modus operandi. The best theoretical and practical case for the utilization of these systems in archreology was made in 1955 by Jean-Claude Gardin. He showed that with the enormous growth of documentation, the solution of better circulation of the information, within the group engaged in archreological research, lay in the adoption of these systems. This may take one of two major lines. The first is the addition of new outlets to an already existing network. For Pacific archreologists, the relevant COWAsurveys, or the summaries provided by Asian Perspectives, are recent additions falling within this category. The alternative is a transformation of the rule of use, or the code, so as to increase the flow of information passing within the given network during any interval of time. To date, Pacific archreologists have been content to develop further the existing means of communication
but it is to this second alternative, the altering of the code by means of data-processing techniques that I wish to call your attention.
Date Created: 12/28/2002
Volume: 5
Number: 2
Page Start: 257
Page End: 264