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Ref ID: 30839
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Bui Thi Tan,
Title: Nghe luyen sat cua mot lang Viet o thoi Nguyen [ Iron fabrication in a Viet village in Nguyen Dynasty ]
Date: 1996
Source: Khao Co Hoc
Language: Vietnamese
Notes: Diacriticals from original publication not included
Abstract: English summary on page 82 as follows: Nowadays, there are many data about Phu Bai village and the mining and iron fabrication at Phu Bai. - Written data: The book "O Chau Can Luc", petitions, lists of taxes, reports of labour, nomination, ancestor - funeral oration... - Archaeological data iron rusty layers sometimes there were rows, loads in the village, vestige of ming tunnel in Quach mountain... - From the combination of ethnological, folkloric data, we think in the 17th to 18th centuries, Phu Bai was actually a large centre of mining, iron - melting, where chiefly provided iron for government of Lords Nguyen in the south. However, the mode of organization and technological manufacture maintained at low level, completely by separate families. The life of iron workers was very miserable because of over - taxation, very cheap requisition of Nguyen administratives.
Date Created: 6/6/2004
Page Start: 75
Page End: 82