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Ref ID: 28917
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Novotny, Rachel
Rumalatu, Frederick
Title: Dietary diversity in western Seram
Date: 1995
Source: Cakalele: Journal of Maluku Studies
Abstract: Two neighboring communities in western Seram were studied for dietary variation. One community was a traditional, rural Malukan community (Lohiatala, n=65)
the other was composed of transmigrants from heavily populated regions of western Indonesia (Waihatu, n=86). A dietary diversity score derived from 24-hour recall data revealed significantly greater dietary diversity in the traditional community, especially among women and children. A food group analysis yielded significantly greater consumption of sago, tubers (especially cassava) and protein foods in the traditional community, while the transmigrant community consumed significantly more rice. Perhaps the diverse Malukan diet can serve as a model for the Indonesian government’s objective of diversifying diets, especially among transmigrants.
Date Created: 1/25/2011
Volume: 6
Page Start: 37
Page End: 42
