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Ref ID: 28612
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Wells, R. Spencer
Yuldasheva, Nadira
Ruzibakiev, Ruslan
Underhill, Peter A.
Evseeva, Irina
Blue-Smith, Jason
Jin, Li
Su, Bing
Pitchappan, Ramasamy
Shanmugalakshmi, Sadagopal
Balakrishnan, Karuppiah
Read, Mark
Pearson, Nathaniel M.
Title: The Eurasian heartland: a continental perspective on Y-chromosome diversity
Date: 2001
Source: PNAS
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.171305098
Notes: Additional Authors: Zerjal, Tatiana
Webster, Matthew T.
Zholoshvili, Irakli
Jamarjashvili, Elena
Gambarov, Spartak
Nikbin, Behrouz
Dostiev, Ashur
Aknazarov, Ogonazar
Zalloua, Pierre
Tsoy, Igor
Kitaev, Mikhail
Mirrakhimov, Mirsaid
Chariev, Ashir
Bodmer, Walter F.
Abstract: The nonrecombining portion of the human Y chromosome has proven to be a valuable tool for the study of population history. The maintenance of extended haplotypes characteristic of particular geographic regions, despite extensive admixture, allows complex demographic events to be deconstructed. In this study we report the frequencies of 23 Y-chromosome biallelic polymorphism haplotypes in 1,935 men from 49 Eurasian populations, with a particular focus on Central Asia. These haplotypes reveal traces of historical migrations, and provide an insight into the earliest patterns of settlement of anatomically modern humans on the Eurasian continent. Central Asia is revealed to be an important reservoir of genetic diversity, and the source of at least three major waves of migration leading into Europe, the Americas, and India. The genetic results are interpreted in the context of Eurasian linguistic patterns.
Date Created: 10/6/2011
Volume: 98
Number: 18
Page Start: 10244
Page End: 10249