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Ref ID: 28487
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Sun, Xiangjun
Li, Xu
Luo, Yunli
Chen, Xudong
Title: The vegetation and climate at the last glaciation on the emerged continental shelf of the South China Sea
Date: 2000
Source: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
DOI: 10.1016/S0031-0182(00)00078-X
Abstract: Studies on the dispersal mechanism and source areas of pollen from hemipelagic sediments recovered from the continental slopes of the South China Sea (SCS) reveal that vegetation existed on the exposed shelves at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the latter part of the Marine Isotope Stage 3. At the low sea level stand, Artemisia-dominated grassland covered the northern continental shelf and tropical lowland rainforest and mangroves grew on the southern shelf ‘Sunda Land’. Consequently, the climate in the northern SCS must have been much colder and drier during the last glacial period compared to the present. Sunda Land experienced only a marginally lower temperature but was not drier than today. The enhanced contrast between the northern and southern parts of the SCS in vegetation and climate during the LGM may be ascribed, at least partly, to the strengthening of Winter Monsoon during the last glacial period.
Date Created: 12/7/2011
Volume: 160
Page Start: 301
Page End: 316