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Ref ID: 28478
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Callow, K. J.
Worley, Jr.
Title: The occurrence of telluride minerals at the Acupan gold mine, Mountain Province, Philippines
Date: 1965
Source: Economic Geology
Abstract: Petzite, hessite, altaite, calaverite, sylvanite, and coloradoite are found in the high-grade parts of epithermal gold veins. These tellurides completely fill small vugs and minute fractures in the veins and replace gold and most of the sulfides. Many assemblages are present. In the discussion by Cabri, it is pointed out that Callow and Worley are led to erroneous conclusions about formation temperatures in gold deposits by their dependence on out-of-date mineral stability data.
Date Created: 12/8/2011
Volume: 60
Number: 2
Page Start: 251
Page End: 268