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Ref ID: 28442
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Chung, Sun-Lin
Jahn, Bor-ming
Title: Plume-lithosphere interaction in generation of the Emeishan flood basalts at the Permian-Triassic boundary
Date: 1995
Source: Geology
DOI: 10.1130/0091-7613(1995)023<0889:PLIIGO>2.3.CO
Notes: f²ε
Abstract: The Emeishan flood volcanism that erupted at Permian-Triassic boundary time produced a large igneous province of at least 2.5 X 10^5 km² in the western margin of the Yangtze craton, southwestern China. The volcanic successions, suggested to have resulted from a starting mantle plume, comprise thick piles of basaltic flows and subordinate picrites and pyroclastics. The picrites, which have high magnesian contents (MgO ≊ 20–16 wt%), variable degrees of light rare earth element enrichment [(Ce/Yb)<sub>N</sub> ≊ 4–25] and heterogeneous isotope ratios [ϵ<sub>Nd</sub> ≊ (T) +4 to −4], are proposed to have been generated by mixing between the dominant plume-derived magmas and small amounts of lamproitic liquids from the continental lithospheric mantle.
Identifier: 2
Date Created: 1/30/2012
Volume: 23
Number: 10
Page Start: 889
Page End: 892