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Ref ID: 28246
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Pawlik, Alfred F.
Title: Behavioral complexity and modern traits in the Philippine Upper Palaeolithic
Date: 2013
Source: Asian Perspectives (2012)
Abstract: Behavioral modernity has been a widely neglected topic for Southeast Asia's prehistory. Evidence of modern packages or even traits is basically absent in the Palaeolithic assemblages, This absence has considerably influenced the discussion of hominid behavior and their cultural and cognitive abilities. In a case study on terminal Pleistocene artifacts from Ille Cave on Palawan Island, indications of the presence of several items of the modern trait list, foremost the first evidence of hafted lithic tools and the use of adhesives in the Philippine Palaeolithic, were detected through microwear analysis. The results showed that unretouched and morphologically less characteristic flaked artifacts often considered more expedient tools could have served as hafted armatures of multicomponent tools. For the ongoing discussion on the development and expansion of modern behavior, methods like microwear analysis can eliminate some limitations of traditional technological and morphological analysis of lithic assemblages.
Date Created: 1/30/2014
Volume: 51
Number: 1
Page Start: 22
Page End: 46