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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2023 Fuentes, Riczar Barely scratched the surface: Development and future directions of lithic use-wear analysis in Island Southeast Asia Archaeological Research in Asia [Fuentes, 2023 #37186]
Journal Article 2020 Field, J. H. Functional studies of flaked and ground stone artefacts reveal starchy tree nut and root exploitation in mid-Holocene highland New Guinea The Holocene [Field, 2020 #36654]
Book Section in a Series 2018 Duli, Akin Reflections on the social and cultural aspects of the megalithic site of Onto, Bantaeng, South Sulawesi The Archaeology of Sulawesi [Duli, 2018 #25313]
Journal Article 2016 Xhauflair, Hermine Use-related or contamination? Residue and use-wear mapping on stone tools used for experimental processing of plants from Southeast Asia Quaternary International [Xhauflair, 2016 #27623]
Journal Article 2013 Pawlik, Alfred F. Behavioral complexity and modern traits in the Philippine Upper Palaeolithic Asian Perspectives (2012) [Pawlik, 2013 #28246]
Journal Article 2013 Borel, Antony How to interpret informal flakes assemblages? Integrating morphological description, usewear and morphometric analysis gave better understanding of the behaviors of anatomically modern human from Song Terus (Indonesia) Journal of Anthropological Archaeology [Borel, 2013 #28280]
Book Section 2012 Bujeng, Velat Bone and shell artifacts from Bukit Sarang, Bintulu and Gua Kain Hitam B, Niah, Sarawak Crossing borders: selected papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Bujeng, 2012 #22893]
Book Section in a Series 2004 Kuzmina, E. E. Historical perspectives on the Andronovo and metal use in eastern Asia Metallurgy in ancient eastern Eurasia from the Urals to the Yellow River [Kuzmina, 2004 #25720]
Journal Article 2007 Kononenko, Nina The contribution of use-wear/residue studies of obsidian artefacts for understanding changes in settlement and subsistence patterns in West New Britain, Papua New Guinea Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Kononenko, 2007 #29565]
Thesis 1972 Calder, A. Cracked pots and rubbish tips: an ethnoarchaeological investigation of vessel and sherd distribution in a Thai-Lao village Department of Anthropology [Calder, 1972 #36417]
Thesis 1990 Skibo, James M. Use-alteration of pottery: an ethnoarchaeological and experimental study Department of Anthropology [Skibo, 1990 #36415]
Book Section in a Series 1991 Aronson, Meredith Use technologies: an ethnoarchaeological study of Kalinga pottery Materials issues in art and archaeology II [Aronson, 1991 #26108]
Book Section 1994 Aronson, Meredith Production and use technologies in Kalinga pottery Kalinga Ethnoarchaeology: Expanding Archaeological Method and Theory [Aronson, 1994 #24752]
Book Section 1994 Kobayashi, Masashi Use-alteration analysis of Kalinga pottery: interior carbon deposits of cooking pots Kalinga Ethnoarchaeology: Expanding Archaeological Method and Theory [Kobayashi, 1994 #24744]
Book Section 1985 Longacre, William A. Pottery use-life among the Kalinga, northern Luzon, the Philippines Decoding prehistoric ceramics [Longacre, 1985 #24742]
Book Section 1994 Neupert, Mark A. Informant accuracy in pottery use-life studies: a Kalinga example Kalinga Ethnoarchaeology: Expanding Archaeological Method and Theory [Neupert, 1994 #24739]
Book Section 1994 Tani, Masakazu Why should more pots break in larger households? Mechanisms underlying population estimates from ceramics Kalinga Ethnoarchaeology: Expanding Archaeological Method and Theory [Tani, 1994 #24731]
Book Section 1965 Solheim, Wilhelm G., II The functions of pottery in Southeast Asia: from the present to the past Ceramics and man [Solheim, 1965 #24729]
Book 1992 Skibo, James M. Pottery function: a use-alteration perspective [Skibo, 1992 #21152]
Book Section 1997 Pramankij, Somsak Modification in the use of Mesolithic tools in case of migration Southeast Asian Archaeology 1992: Proceedings of the 4th Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Pramankij, 1997 #24849]
Journal Article 1984 Sinha, P. Changes in stone tool use in Southeast Asia 10,000 years ago: a microwear analysis of flakes with use gloss from Leang Burung 2 and Ulu Leang 1 Caves, Sulawesi, Indonesia Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Sinha, 1984 #35501]
Journal Article 1996 Nguyen Thi Kim Dung, The Trang Kenh jewellery workshop: an experimental and microwear study Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Nguyen 1996 #35533]